Personal Lists featuring...

Quicksand 2019


ended shows that I've seen all of


I like a lot of different things, but most of all: crime, mystery, fantasy, thriller, horror, drama, comedy, ww2, action


Esta lista esta repleta de weas para ver, que no vi y quiero ver, o que en algún momento de mi wea existencia voy a querer ver.


TV-Serier jag sett eller håller på med
Moscow Noir-Dirigenten
In Plain Sight-En mördares leende
Money Heist-La Casa De Papel
Quicksand-Störst av allt


I need 3 watch lists because I've got 1k+ canons and because it's neater, lol. Stuff in this list is likely hard to find (especially if I need subtitles) or just not a big priority. I'm always open to recommendations! See for details and also ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.


01–17 / competition
18–23 / out of competition
24–35 / berlinale special

36–80 / panorama

81–103 / berlinale shorts
Flexible Bodies. Louis Fried
How to Breathe in Kern County. Chris Filippone
Rang Mahal . Palace of Colours. Prantik Basu
The Spirit Keepers of Makuta’ay. Yen-Chao Lin

104–109 / berlinale classics

110-116 / berlinale series
* One Second by Zhang Yimou has been withdrawn from the Competition line-up.


Norway/ Denmark/ Sweden/ Finland/ Iceland/ Greenland
