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Poker Face 2023

I kept watching this as it got progressively worse, until I just couldn't and gave up at episode 8 - there is so much nonsense one can take!

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Shout by Mikael
BlockedParent2024-02-27T00:18:12Z— updated 2024-03-05T01:21:02Z

Natasha Lyonne under a fuckton of unnecessary foundation and a big hair wig from 1986 has supernatural truth telling powers and is doing retro template solving murders in every episode.

It has some moments, especially in the McKee episode, but it is so formulaic it gets old pretty fast.

Edit: So I kept going through the rest of the season one. Um yeah it's not great, but I guess it's sorta ok. Second half is fortunately slightly less of the Columbo gimmick. Lots of references and meta jokes is what keeps it entertaining and surprises in the supporting actors. Especially Clea Duvall facing Natasha Lyonne in the finale was a brilliant blast from the past. I'm very thankful that it sorta wraps up the season despite the mandatory fishing for more. It's a honourable rarity these days.

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Rian Johnson has said in multiple interviews that he built the show around Natasha Lyonne because she has a charisma which makes her compulsively watchable. I happen to agree. I love Natasha and I love Charlie. So why did you create a show where the main character is absent for half of each episode?

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One trick pony. Nothing like Columbo. Not sure why people keep comparing this show to it. After all she has ability to tell when people lie. So what’s the point of showing her solve crime if it’s easy for her to figure out if someone is lying. At least columbo had to use his wits and search for clues. Kinda of a stupid premise. I was hoping they killed her off in episode 9 and end the show. One good thing about the show is it’s acting rest of it is just dumb.

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What an excellent show. A different story each episode follows our protagonist, Charlie (who is on the run), through her journey across North America, stumbling across a different murder she helps figure out. Excellent, well rounded, cast of big names and an excellent soundtrack to boot.

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Well, I really like the cast, the setting, the visuals, the lightness and the humour.
What’s bugging me is that they always give away what happened first. So you just watch her finding out what you already know. I think it would be a lot better if I could be part of the investigation.

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5.5/10 Rating - I would not recommend. I watched the first two episodes, read the description of the middle episodes, and finished with the last two episodes. I lost interest when I realised each episode was going to be in an entirely new place with a wholly new cast and story, except for our lead who has a preternatural ability which helps her solve a murder in each locale. I didn't feel any real growth in character and the fact that we know who committed each crime makes even the mystery aspect of the show lifeless. It's a shame because Lyonne's character is fun and the first episode was promising - I wish Rian Johnson had chosen to make the show all about the. head underworld.

It feels like the TV show equivalent of a short story collection and just was not for me.

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i love it,great tv show,waiting season 2

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This show started out with such promise but I couldn't even make it through mid season. Great concept, poorly executed.

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Just a bit like Columbo (one story/one episode, guest stars, black humor) - I grew up with Peter Falk and love him.... but she is "not a cop"! ;) Whatever N. Lyonne is involved in, it turns to gold: e.g. OITNB or Matryoshka, just to name the latest stuff I've seen/remember. At least now I don't have to think anymore when I read her name in the cast. Good stuff.

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Season 1 rated a 7.9

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Quite excellent!

Lyonne is pretty great in almost anything

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Murder She Wrote for a generation that have never heard of Angela Lansbury

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Am i the only one noticing a colombo vibe here? Even the opening credits font looks similar to me...
I enjoy it so far

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typical crime of the week style show, wasn't anything special. Sorry but Lyonne basically plays the same character in all her latest shows.

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I love the show, but every time I watch it the character of Charlie reminds me of Peter Falk’s Columbo in her mannerisms and speech delivery.

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Some strikes and some hits. Entertaining enough most of the time, but not even close to matching the hype it landed with.

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Shout by Akovia
BlockedParent2023-03-12T18:08:00Z— updated 2024-01-17T23:26:56Z


I so wanted to love this, and without Natasha it would be completely unwatchable (for me), but she has been let down by the writers. I'm OK with the suspension of disbelief if you can keep my logical brain engaged elsewhere, but this is not that.

The first episode is the setup for the entire series. If you get through that with a positive impression, I think you will enjoy what follows.

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It recovers the spirit of the mystery series of the seventies and eighties, a procedural in which the excuse for the protagonist to be where she is is as forced as it is finally funny, and which has a cast of guest stars that is especially notable. It's not so much whodunit that matters, but building a puzzle with plot twists that actually hide numerous references to classic movies and detective stories. An entertaining show that invites lovers of weekly serials at a time when massive and fast consumption reigns, bingeing on news without time to enjoy them.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-03-05T22:32:57Z— updated 2023-03-22T07:32:53Z

It’s well made, I like that they switch up the format just a little bit each episode so that it doesn’t feel like a formulaic cable tv show. The only thing that’s consistent for each episode is the appearance of Natasha Lyonne’s Charlie. She’s fine, I like the gimmick of her character, but not all of the acting choices work for me, and I can’t shake the feeling that the writing tries way too hard to make her this iconic character (which it doesn’t succeed at). Now, because the show is so episodic, the quality between episodes varies quite a bit. Some episodes capture that Columbo fun perfectly, whereas other episodes are hindered by nonsensical structures, dumb/underwritten/annoying characters, corny dialogue (so many one-liners that are straight up groaners) or just a boring set-up. It’s a good thing that the show is heightened and doesn’t take itself seriously, because it absolutely wouldn’t work as a serious drama. Still, would I recommend it? Probably not, just rewatch Sherlock, it’s a lot more entertaining and not as phony.

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Who is this show for? Everything is super well made, Natasha is excellent, and the stories are great. But what's the point of watching Natasha solve a crime when we just got to see how it was done? I don't get it, and it's pretty annoying. No mystery, no sleuthing

Bonus: Hank Pecker reference in ep3

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I’ve been patient, I’ve watched 6 episodes but each and everyone is more boring than the previous. It’s a shame…. The idea is good but the writing has let it down terribly. 3 /10 at a push.

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The actors seem competent and the show seems well scripted, but I'm guessing that if you're over 50 there won't be much here to attract you. The hype was that this was like a throwback to detective shows of the 70s. If you think that, you never watched detective shows of the 70s.

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I FREAKIN LOVE HER... this is gritty good damn TV. I love her voice Her cander and I got hooked within minutes of watching her. She grows on you. and every episode has a bad ass dose of Karma. This show is off the hook! Just a take whatever life throws at me kinda girl.. Seeing that she's producer n all.. I Really hope this series goes off the charts... !! Loyal to this show fer sure..

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This is awful, she cant act and is annoying, the plots are formulaic and boring, the writing is weak and predictable. And just one more thing.....Columbo did it better.

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I found this gem by chance . Natasha isn't my favorite actor and her voice drives me crazy, but the story trellis so compelling and the character so quirky that she fits right in and I am even able to tune out her voice.
If you love her this show is for you, if you don't given it a try anyway and see if the stories can change your mind.

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This is a great show and to have the first 1/3 of each episode without the lead appearing is brave and very different……
Your just keep on wanting to see the next episode!

Two draw backs at the moment….

1) do we have to have a murder every episode?
Couldn’t there be a robber, assault, kidnapping, family mystery or something else?????

2) episode 3 left a little sour taste in my mouth, the maga, pc and woke insertion was well and truly chuffed home.

We don’t need this!!!!
No matter how you political or world views lay, this rubbish is going to upset/alienate at least half your audience…..

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Don't confuse this great TV show with the dumpster fire of a movie also named "Poker Face". Natasha really is an underrated actress, and if you loved her character Nickles in OITNB, then you will love the sassy black cloud Charlie Cale who seems to always be the eye of the storm for murder and mayhem.

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I've watched 3 Episodes so far.
I'm a bit of a Natasha Lyonne fan since Blade: Trinity 2004 then OITNB
Was very pleased to see her in a New Series. Her character puts me in mind of a mix between Columbo, Miss Marple and Kwai Chang Caine (Kung Fu 1972).

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bro really don't miss huh

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Knowing that Rian Johnson - the man behind Knives Out and Glass Onion - is involved in this and looking at the cast makes me anticipate this sooo much

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