Another dreadful episode after the brilliant episode 5. Don’t know if I can keep watching this series anymore.

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The priest asked a similar question that Jesus asked to most people who came to him even though he could clearly see that they wanted to be saved, "Do you want to be saved?" ... its incredible the human condition - how we may find pleasure in pain. This is really a broken and twisted world - i hate it. In my opinion, this tv show are about grown up completely loosing their emotional intelligence.

Well, I guess demons are involved, so its totally understandable where this depravity comes from.

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Indeed a great episode. Can't wait for the next one.

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Wow...that was intense! I knew Eva Green was good, but after this show I would say she is nothing less than great. Beside that I think what really worked here around her stellar performance is the excellent characters development of the other ones, I mean even if is she obviously stealing the scene, if you really look into the storytelling aspect are the other characters actions and how do they realate to her situations that make the Whole episode work so good.
I'm not sure about the Frankenstein bit, it seemes a bit patched up and somehow break the tension, though of course it reminding viewers about his own ungoing sub storyline it could have been skipped to keep a more tighten story. Beside that I have liked that "bro" moment in the shooting basement sequence between Victor and Ethan.

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What an amazing episode, very well written and directed possession, and Eva Green is superb in this episode, she deserves a prize for Vanessa Ives!

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