I hate Andy so much.

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Best lines: "I hope you squeal better" and "I wish there was something physical that could make me feel this way"

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It's actually hilarious. Leslie's calls are fantastic. Andy's entrance: priceless. The charity being a scam: very reassuring.

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Fun fact: Andy showing up naked, was not in the script, in the sense that the actor(Chris Pratt) was supposed to be in a skin-tone briefs. To get genuine reaction he improvised.

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"Don't say situation" "Don't look back" :grin:

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"I have a couple of doing caps in my wallet. That's what I call condoms."

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"Kaboom is a word I made up. It's not in any dictionary. I trick people into building playgrounds on empty lots in their neighborhood. It's an elaborate prank. For my next prank, I'm going to build a hospital in a poor part of China! They'll never see it coming."

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"KABOOOOM!" what a great episode

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