Brianna got yeeted yet didn’t even get a bruise. This season is so boring. NOTHING HAPPENS. At least if he had lost his leg then there’d have been a point to this episode, but nope. Yawn. Wake me up when this show gets good again.

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This is becoming ridiculous. Nothing happens, they have been talking about Stephen Bonnet for a whole season and we still don’t see anything related to him.
And apparently, in order to save someone from dying all you have to do is get naked and “touch them”. Totally unnecessary twist for that scene.
Ugh, I’m so disappointed, this show used to be very good.

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I thought Claire was gonna sit on Jamie's penis and bring him back to the land of the living. That would have been something.

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Thankfully Bree found a use for her background in engineering!

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Guess they have some major wastebin not to find maggots immediately. They should come to my house with my closed wastebin and see how many maggots keep arriving in that place.
And forgetting you took the head of a venomous snake and consider throwing it away... Sure... thats very plausible for people from the 20th century... Well, at least if your name is ROGER. Roger "BIG DICK" Wakefield (cause apparently we needed to know that... Yes, we know Roger is a big dick, let's keep it at that.)

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Loved that episode... Though I'm not sure I was meant to laugh out loud as often as I did.

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