The piece of music (named the same as the episode) that runs through the last section is incredible and builds so well with the story unfolding.
Rewatching these years later and I still had goosebumps as Sarah ran to the window.
Tatiana is truly incredible. I still can't believe it was another 3 years before the Emmy's saw that.

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Wow! This was just an amazing conclusion to the first season of this brilliant drama. I'm watching Orphan Black now for the first time on Netflix and I'm addicted. Thankfully all episodes are available because it would be hard to wait a year after this finale.

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Damn, Tatiana really is an amazingly good actress. There was absolutely no moment so far that the illusion broke. Every character she plays is do ultimately particular and she also can look different enough to completely differentiate. All much harder than they seem.
Hat's off!

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