Only Fools and Horses

All Episodes 1981 - 2023

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f551c7a5648>
  • 1981-09-07T23:00:00Z
  • 30m
  • 1d 3h 12m (45 episodes)
  • John Sullivan
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • BBC
  • Comedy
The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.

84 episodes


Special 1 Christmas Crackers

It's anthracite roast potatoes and green stuff all round - Grandad's cooking Christmas dinner! Trouble is, Rodney's in danger of dying of boredom. Then the glittering attractions of the Monte Carlo Club beckon...


Special 2 Christmas Trees

Special 2 Christmas Trees

  • 1982-12-27T00:00:00Z30m

This was a comedy sketch produced for the 1982 Christmas show The Funny Side of Christmas, presented by Frank Muir, which also featured sketches from other comedies.

When Del meets a new woman he begins to envisage Christmas with a larger family.


Special 4 Thicker Than Water

A Christmas visitor throws the Trotter household into confusion.


Special 5 To Hull and Back

Special 5 To Hull and Back

  • 1985-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 35m

Just a simple courier job says Boycie but the Trotter's life on the ocean wave doesn't go completely to plan. They run into their old friend Slater 'The Slag' but it isn't all plain sailing for him either.


Special 6 A Royal Flush

Special 6 A Royal Flush

  • 1986-12-25T00:00:00Z1h

When Rodney meets a pretty girl in the market, he fails to realise her connections. But when he is invited to her family home, Del sees his chance of making a buck.


Special 7 The Frog's Legacy

Del, Rodney and Uncle Albert are at the wedding of Trigger's niece Lisa. There's a spirit of goodwill, that is until Del hears of their mother's buried treasure.


Special 8 Dates

Special 8 Dates

  • 1988-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 20m

Del and Rodney both go on dates, but with very different results. Albert's strip-o-gram seems oddly familliar.

Del is organising the annual Jolly Boys' Outing to Margate, but Cassandra is not completely at ease with this boys' trip as she and Rodney have just celebrated their first wedding anniversary.


Special 10 Rodney Come Home

Special 10 Rodney Come Home

  • 1990-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 13m

Del's love life picks up when Raquel moves in. However, Rodney finds marriage is not a bed of roses and Del decides to give him a helping hand whether he likes it or not.

Del and Rodney get the chance to join the glitterati and become 'transatlantic people'. It is time to leave baby Damien Trotter behind and bravely explore the New World. But could the American dream turn into a nightmare?

With Del handling the accommodation and transport for their week's holiday in America, it's not surprising that he and Rodney end up in a dodgy camper-van. But things get even worse when the van disappears while they are in a swish nightclub.


Special 13 Mother Nature's Son

Special 13 Mother Nature's Son

  • 1992-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 5m

The Trotter family becomes environmentally aware and uses an unexpected inheritance to enhance its fortunes.


Special 14 Fatal Extraction

Special 14 Fatal Extraction

  • 1993-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 25m

While Peckham is in the midst of rioting, Del Boy is having trouble with his teeth and with Raquel. She objects to him spending all night at the One Eleven Club. It is no surprise when she leaves him but Del goes straight back into dating. When he changes his mind he wants to forget about it, but will the scorned woman let him?


Special 15 Heroes and Villains

Del's application for a home-improvement grant has been turned down by the local council. He's had better starts to the week, but there is some sunshine on the horizon: Mike at the Nag's Head is organising a party on Saturday night, and Del is eager to get tickets.


Special 16 Modern Men

Special 16 Modern Men

  • 1996-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Del buys a self-help book in an effort to improve his relationship with Raquel. Meanwhile, the Trotters' finances are in trouble.


Special 17 Time on Our Hands

Raquel, recently reconciled with her parents, is worried about inviting them to dinner chez Trotter. What will they make of Nelson Mandela House and a flat full of patio furniture and AquaNibbo underwater pens? More importantly, what will they make of the man in her life, one Derek Trotter?

The Trotters have lost all their money due to investment in the Central American Markets. Del decides to take part in a game show to try and win some money.

Del Boy and Rodney go on a nostalgic trip to France where they end up bringing back more than the booze they bargained for in the shape of an unwilling illegal immigrant.

Special 20 Sleepless in Peckham

  • 2003-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 15m

With the bankruptcy court ordering the family home in Nelson Mandela house to be auctioned, the Trotters' financial nightmare is fast approaching meltdown.

One of the "Lost Episodes". Filmed and broadcast in 1985, the scene is set in an upper class restaurant and has a rather funny ending!


Special 22 Licensed to Drill

Special 22 Licensed to Drill

  • 1984-07-09T23:00:00Z30m

Educational episode made in 1984 and only shown in schools/colleges. Del, Rodney and Grandad discuss oil drilling and fossil fuels. Notable as the last appearance of Lennard Pearce as Grandad.


Special 23 White Mice

Special 23 White Mice

  • 1985-12-24T00:00:00Z30m

A special edition sketch of the BBC sitcom, Only Fools and Horses, first broadcast on 24 December 1985 on BBC Breakfast Time.


Special 24 Royal Variety Show

Special 24 Royal Variety Show

  • 1988-11-27T00:00:00Z30m

Del and Rodney along with Albert arrive at Drury Lane London thinking they are delivering dodgy goods to Chunky Lewis a nightclub owner in the West End. Unfortunately they take a wrong turn and end up walking into the middle of the Royal Variety performance. They mistake the Duchess of York (Fergie) for Chunky Lewis...bear in mind she wasn't too slim in those days.

Del, Rodney and Uncle Albert send a message to the troops.

A short scene, based entirely in the flat, featuring a young Damien. The first half features Del and Rodney slipping in references to other TV shows featuring David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst (e.g. A Touch of Frost, Goodnight Sweetheart) before the duo come out of character and make an appeal to camera for donations for Comic Relief.

"'Only Fools' proved that you can set a show in a scruffy, violent working class Peckham Council Estate without getting all Ken Loach about it. It made cockneys out of everyone born within earshot of BBC1. And put Peckham on the map". "'Only Fools' gave the world Derek Edward Trotter, the fast-talking, quick thinking whirlwind at the centre of the show who stirs up clouds of cash, sambuca, dodgy Russian video cameras and affection wherever he turns. A fool worthy of Dickens or Shakespeare". "And it gave us Rodney Charlton Trotter, the ultimate sidekick, straight man and annoying kid brother. The voice of reason, yin to Del's yang. Two GCE's and not an ounce of sense". "The show is chock full of family values, practical morality and workaday virtues. Family and friends, loyalty and decency, curry and chips. It handles the heavy stuff - thwarted dreams, miscarriage and even death. But can still turn this unpromising material into comedy gold sometimes in a single sentence". "The show and the characters have grown with the audience in real time. Del's got older, milder, then richer. Rodders has grown some sense and jowls. And it's all 'real', not padding"! "It has the single best sight gag on telly - Del falling through the bar, and the second best - the chandelier falling down". "'Only Fools' even had the perfect ending. The boys started off on their usual journey but this time came away with their dream of becoming rich realised, but only once Sullivan had realised all the dreams they didn't know they had by having them grow up, become kind to each other and everyone else and turn into fully rounded human beings". "It's cheap as chips, but worth its weight in gold"!


Special 28 Rover Advert

Special 28 Rover Advert

  • 1985-12-21T00:00:00Z30m

Filmed in 1985 and reportedly shown in New Zealand and Australia it features Boycie showing Del the latest available model.

How did John Sullivan first dream up Del Boy and Rodney Trotter ? Actors David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst team up with the writer to reveal how the enduring sitcom was created. Featuring celebrity fans, the stories behind the storylines and memorable scenes from the comedy.

Extended interview with David Jason who plays the part of Delboy in the BBC Comedy.

Extended interview with Nicholas Lyndhurst who plays the part of Rodney in the BBC Comedy.

Who knew that David Beckham was a personal friend of Delboy? All was revealed when Beckham dropped into Peckham to star in a very special Only Fools and Horses sketch in aid of Sport Relief 2014. What a plonker!

A celebration of the iconic sitcom featuring classic archive material. We meet the insiders to find out exactly why this sitcom is one of the most successful TV shows of all time.

Special 35 Miami Twice: The Movie

  • 1998-10-11T23:00:00Z2h 25m

From 1998 onwards, the two "Miami Twice" episodes we re-edited into one episode and retitled "Miami Twice: The Movie" for home media releases. Del and Rodney get the chance to join the glitterati and become 'transatlantic people'. It is time to leave baby Damien Trotter behind and bravely explore the New World. But could the American dream turn into a nightmare? With Del handling the accommodation and transport for their week's holiday in America, it's not surprising that he and Rodney end up in a dodgy camper-van. But things get even worse when the van disappears while they are in a swish nightclub.

Revealing the behind-the-scenes stories of how the show was made and became Britain's favourite sitcom, as well as uncovering the secrets behind the hilarious visual gags, lost episodes of the show and how the cast could have looked very different.

The original episode of "A Royal Flush" was re-cut and a laughter track added. 18 minutes of material was removed and the new edit was overlooked by creater John Sullivan. This cut of the episode was used on home media released from 2004 onwards.

Special 38 Russell Harty Sketch

  • 1983-12-20T00:00:00Z6m

A combination of script and ad-lib form a short sketch on the 1983 Christmas Special of Russell Harty's show, Harty. At one point David Jason indirectly involves a member of the audience, and even after the sketch is thought to have ended and Russell Harty thanks the actors, they remain in character, talking to Harty like so, who in turn speaks to them as their characters.

Special 39 Greatest Christmas Moments

  • 2023-12-25T00:00:00Z1h 7m

In a new and exclusive interview with acting royalty Sir David Jason, the great Del Boy himself, the actor shares his secrets from the Christmas sets. We learn about the special that ran into overtime and cost the BBC big bucks because Sir David kept corpsing. Featuring classic clips alongside Sir David's interview, we are also joined by cast and crew including Tessa Peake-Jones as well as celebrity fans such as John Sergeant, Theo Paphitis, Sherrie Hewson, Krishnan Guru Murthy.

Series Premiere


1x01 Big Brother

Series Premiere

1x01 Big Brother

  • 1981-09-07T23:00:00Z30m

Del's confident at last he's on to a winner with Trigger's consignment of Old English vinyl briefcases. How can his brother Rodney even think of abandoning the high-flying world of trading for a real job?


1x02 Go West Young Man

1x02 Go West Young Man

  • 1981-09-14T23:00:00Z30m

Rodney’s depressed. His mate Mickey Pearce has moved in on his bird – Monica of the fat thighs – and life isn’t exactly a social whirl. Del has the solution – they’ll all be millionaires in a year – cue his smooth friend Boycie and a very dodgy deal…


1x03 Cash and Curry

1x03 Cash and Curry

  • 1981-09-21T23:00:00Z30m

Del's swooping in on the deal of a lifetime - it could keep them in Pilau rice forever. All he has to do is get hold of a poxy statue. Trouble is, he hasn't reckoned on a touch of gang warfare.


1x04 The Second Time Around

Del's rekindled passion with old flame Pauline and it looks like wedding bells are in the air again. Rodney's not so thrilled after what happened to her first two husbands...


1x05 A Slow Bus to Chingford

Del has a dream: The Trotter corporate skyscraper, rising majestically against the Peckham skyline. It's time for the latest moneymaking scam, Trotter's Ethnic Tours. But, why are there no takers?

Season Finale


1x06 The Russians Are Coming

Season Finale

1x06 The Russians Are Coming

  • 1981-10-12T23:00:00Z30m

The threat of nuclear war looms over Peckham. What will become of the Nag's Head if the Russians attack? One things guaranteed: the Trotters will be sitting pretty in their DIY shelter...

Season Premiere


2x01 The Long Legs of the Law

Season Premiere

2x01 The Long Legs of the Law

  • 1982-10-20T23:00:00Z28m

Streuth! Rodder's besmirching the good reputation of the Trotter family by dating a policewoman...


2x02 Ashes to Ashes

2x02 Ashes to Ashes

  • 1982-10-28T00:00:00Z30m

Del's busy selling Trig's gran's genuine antique urns. Trouble is, one of them is Trig's Grandad's last resting place!


2x03 A Losing Streak

2x03 A Losing Streak

  • 1982-11-04T00:00:00Z30m

Del and Boycie are set to play the biggest poker game Peckham's ever seen... But what exactly has Boycie got up his sleeve?


2x04 No Greater Love....

2x04 No Greater Love....

  • 1982-11-11T00:00:00Z29m

Rodney's got himself a bird at last! Unfortunately, she's no spring chicken and her jailbird husband is about to be released...


2x05 The Yellow Peril

2x05 The Yellow Peril

  • 1982-11-18T00:00:00Z29m

Del's got a job painting a Chinese restaurant - but is he wise to get some help from Rodney 'Leonardo' Trotter?


2x06 It Never Rains....

2x06 It Never Rains....

  • 1982-11-25T00:00:00Z29m

The Trotter family holiday is underway when Grandad runs into a bit of trouble with the Spanish police.

Season Finale


2x07 A Touch of Glass

Season Finale

2x07 A Touch of Glass

  • 1982-12-02T00:00:00Z28m

Del introduces the Dresden-collecting aristocracy to some North Korean porcelain and his chandelier-cleaning service.

Season Premiere


3x01 Homesick

Season Premiere

3x01 Homesick

  • 1983-11-10T00:00:00Z30m

Del Boy uses Rodney's election as chairman of the local tenants' association to plot a move to ground-floor accommodation.


3x02 Healthy Competition

3x02 Healthy Competition

  • 1983-11-17T00:00:00Z30m

Rodney breaks up the Trotter partnership to go it alone - with Mickey Pearce! Does Mickey's trip to the Costas mean that the duo are opening a Spanish branch already?


3x03 Friday the 14th

3x03 Friday the 14th

  • 1983-11-24T00:00:00Z29m

The Trotters visit Devon for a weekend's fishing but get involved with an escaped 'psycho' from the local mental hospital.


3x04 Yesterday Never Comes

3x04 Yesterday Never Comes

  • 1983-12-01T00:00:00Z29m

Del Boy falls for posh tart Miranda when she comes to view a 'Queen Anne' cabinet, but Miranda is more interested in the painting that the boys' Gran lifted from her art dealer employer.


3x05 May the Force Be with You

D.I. Slater is on the track of a stolen microwave oven and Del Boy is in the frame.


3x06 Wanted

3x06 Wanted

  • 1983-12-15T00:00:00Z29m

Rodney is on the run after he is accused of being the 'Peckham Pouncer' - but where is that fragrant smell, wafting through the ventilation ducts of Nelson Mandela House, coming from?

Season Finale


3x07 Who's a Pretty Boy?

Season Finale

3x07 Who's a Pretty Boy?

  • 1983-12-22T00:00:00Z30m

Del Boy arranges for Rodney and Grandad to redecorate Denzil and Corinne's flat. What is Corrinne going to say when she finds out that her canary is brown bread ?

Season Premiere


4x01 Happy Returns

Season Premiere

4x01 Happy Returns

  • 1985-02-21T00:00:00Z30m

Rodney's in love with Debbie from the newsagents. Could this mean the end of his dirty magazine fetish? Trouble is she's only 19, and 19 1/2 years ago Del was pretty friendly with her mum...


4x02 Strained Relations

4x02 Strained Relations

  • 1985-02-28T00:00:00Z29m

After Grandad's funeral, Delboy & Rodney are surprised to find that his brother, Uncle Albert, has moved in with them - bringing his nautical nightmares.


4x03 Hole in One

4x03 Hole in One

  • 1985-03-07T00:00:00Z29m

The Trotters are potless, so Uncle Albert comes to the rescue by having an 'accident' with the open cellar door of the Nag's Head.


4x04 It's Only Rock and Roll

Rodney is the drumless drummer in Mental Micky's band, 'A Bunch Of Wallies'. Del Boy takes on the job of manager, getting them an abortive St. Paddy's night gig at The Shamrock Club.


4x05 Sleeping Dogs Lie

4x05 Sleeping Dogs Lie

  • 1985-03-21T00:00:00Z30m

Del's on to a great money making scheme - looking after Boycie and Marlene's new puppy Dukie for a steal at £60 a week. Should be a doddle - a bit of the old Pedigree Chum and they should be away. Then Dukie falls victim to Salmonella poisoning...


4x06 Watching the Girls Go By

Del sets Rodney up with a date, but when she gets to the do at the Nag's Head she makes Rodney wish he hadn't.

Season Finale


4x07 As One Door Closes

Season Finale

4x07 As One Door Closes

  • 1985-04-03T23:00:00Z29m

When Del Boy's hooky 'louvry' door deal, financed with Denzil's redundancy money, falls through, the boys attempt to repay him by catching a rare butterfly.

Season Premiere


5x01 From Prussia with Love

Season Premiere

5x01 From Prussia with Love

  • 1986-08-30T23:00:00Z30m

When a German damsel turns up in the Nag's Head, she's definitely in distress - and nine months pregnant at that. Rodney's all beer and sympathy, but Del's got an idea - could this be the answer to Boycie and Marlene's dreams of a child and a golden opportunity to make a few bob along the way?


5x02 The Miracle of Peckham

Del Boy gets religion when the Madonna at the local church is seen to shed tears. But why does she only cry when it's raining, and where did that lead in Del's garage come from?


5x03 The Longest Night

5x03 The Longest Night

  • 1986-09-13T23:00:00Z28m

A burglar makes a daring raid on the local supermarket just as Del and family are out buying their weekly French stick. What's worse, Del sold him a duff watch down the local market...


5x04 Tea for Three

5x04 Tea for Three

  • 1986-09-20T23:00:00Z30m

Del's tampered with the sunbed controls and Rodney's seeing red - literally! His face is done to a turn. He'll hardly wow Trigger's niece, Lisa, with his handsome good looks now, which leaves the way pretty clear for Del himself. But revenge should certainly be sweet when Rodders volunteers Del for a spot of hang gliding.


5x05 Video Nasty

5x05 Video Nasty

  • 1986-09-27T23:00:00Z29m

Rodney gets a grant from the local college to make a film, but first he must come up with a viable screenplay. Del gets him a secondhand typewriter, and also suggests a storyline of 'A Rhino Loose in the City'. To make matters worse, the director, Mickey Pearce, fed up with waiting for Rodney to write the story, starts making porn films, only for Rodney to end up starring in one.

Season Finale


5x06 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Season Finale

5x06 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

  • 1986-10-04T23:00:00Z1h 35m

Del Boy gets the chance to make a new start (and to become a millionaire) in Australia - fronting Jumbo Mills's used car business.

Season Premiere


6x01 Yuppy Love

Season Premiere

6x01 Yuppy Love

  • 1989-01-08T00:00:00Z47m

'80s fever is spreading fast! Del Boy's on the up and into the exciting world of red braces and yuppy sorts. Armed with his filofax and briefcase, he's ready to take on the city - well, Peckham anyway. Meanwhile, Rodney's on the pull, with a classy new bird called Cassandra. Wonder what she'll think of Nelson Mandela House...


6x02 Danger UXD

6x02 Danger UXD

  • 1989-01-15T00:00:00Z50m

Just faking a signature on a delivery note means that Del can take possession of 50 dolls for absolutely nothing. The only problem is that 'Lusty Linda' and 'Erotic Estelle' are not exactly what he had in mind and would seem more appropriate to Dirty Barry's dubious trade than to the local toyshop...


6x03 Chain Gang

6x03 Chain Gang

  • 1989-01-22T00:00:00Z50m

It's the deal of a lifetime! Faced with the opportunity to buy 250 18 carat gold chains from retired jeweller Arnie, Del can't resist. Hastily a multi-million dollar business consortium is formed - well, Mike from the Nag's Head, Trig, Boycie, Uncle Albert and a reluctant Rodney, anyway. Everything's pretty cushty until Arnie's taken ill just as the deal is about to be sealed, and Del is left feeling that all that glitters...


6x04 The Unlucky Winner Is...

Rodney's won a holiday for three in the Mediterranean, courtesy of Del and the Megaflakes drawing competition. The only snag is he's got to pretend he's 14 years old all week. Should be a doddle - all he's got to do is keep his head down. Then the skateboarding and breakdancing competitions begin...


6x05 Sickness & Wealth

6x05 Sickness & Wealth

  • 1989-02-05T00:00:00Z50m

While excruciating stomach cramps and a constant diet of health salts might drive some people to visit the doctor, not our Del! Oh no, he's only suffering from that scourge of all yuppies, PMA - Positive Mental Attitude! So it's going to require some nifty plotting by Rodney and Uncle Albert to get Del to visit the dreaded 'D' word!

Season Finale


6x06 Little Problems

Season Finale

6x06 Little Problems

  • 1989-02-12T00:00:00Z50m

With his diploma in Computer Science, new job in Cassandra's father's firm and impending marriage, Rodney's certainly on the up. Del's even promised to take care of his share of the flat deposit. Only problem is, Del's gone and got himself into a bit of bother over some hooky mobile phones with the less-than-understanding Driscoll brothers, and unless he comes up with £2,000 pretty sharpish they're going to take care of him...

Season Premiere


7x01 The Sky's the Limit

Season Premiere

7x01 The Sky's the Limit

  • 1990-12-30T00:00:00Z50m

What can Albert and Del do about Rodney leaving Cassandra and moving back in? Alan suggests that Rodney pick her up when she arrives back from her week in Spain. However, chaos at Gatwick means that the evening Rodney planned doesn't happen. Could there be some connection with Del's purchase of a satellite dish?


7x02 The Chance of a Lunchtime

Raquel has an audition for a play, and Del has volunteered to help her rehearse. Rodney and Cassandra meet for supper, each thinking that the other made the first move. Things seem to be going well before Rodney gets tangled up with Trudy. Del tells Albert and Rodney that he sees two people when he looks at Raquel. Either Raquel's pregnant or Del's drunk!


7x03 Stage Fright

7x03 Stage Fright

  • 1991-01-13T00:00:00Z50m

With Raquel pregnant, Del 'Yuppy' Trotter's plan to achieve millionaire status must move up a gear. So the chance to supply the cabaret at the Starlight Rooms for old 'friend' Eric to the tune of 600 quid is too good to miss. With Raquel dusting off her vocal chords in the kitchen and Trig's mate Tony Angelino, the singing dustman, waiting in the wings, everything's sorted. Until Del discovers exactly who the real owner of the club is and the extent of Tony's vocal range...


7x04 The Class of '62

7x04 The Class of '62

  • 1991-01-20T00:00:00Z50m

A class of '62 reunion in the Nag's Head signals Roy Slater's return to Civvy Street after years in the nick. But why has the crooked ex-copper decided to come back to Peckham when he is universally loathed? Just as Trig, Del, Boycie and Denzil begin to believe that he really has changed for the better, Del discovers the real reason for his return...

After a night at the Nag's Head, Uncle Albert comes home beaten up and tells tales of two, three or was it four muggers. But something isn't right and he runs away from home. Finally Del Boy and Rodney realise where to find him.

Season Finale


7x06 Three Men, a Woman and a Baby

Season Finale

7x06 Three Men, a Woman and a Baby

  • 1991-02-03T00:00:00Z50m

Del's about to become a father, but even that can't cheer Rodney up. The Polar Cap is melting, the rainforest is dying, the sea is being poisoned, and he hasn't had 'a bit' for months. Maybe one of Del's new ponytail wigs could enhance his image in Cassandra's eyes...
