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My Friends Tigger and Pooh

All Episodes 2007 - 2011

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007fd1cddbb2c0>
  • 2007-07-21T05:30:00Z
  • 11m
  • 1d 22h 12m (126 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Disney Television Animation
  • Animation, Drama, Mystery, Action, Adventure, Children
Follow a 6-year-old girl named Darby and her puppy Buster, who join Pooh and Tigger on adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood. To help solve mysteries Pooh and Tigger wear homemade superhero costumes and become Super Sleuths. With their new friend Darby they tackle some of the Hundred Acre Wood's wonders.

132 episodes

Pooh and his friends work together to rescue Santa's lost reindeer-trainee, Holly.

To thank Rabbit for his help in organizing a Hundred Acre Wood picnic, the citizens of the Wood appoint him the first ever Hundred Acre Wood Mayor. Excited by his newfound power, Rabbit soon enacts a series of rules-- scheduling everyone's lives, limiting Tigger's bouncing and cutting down on Pooh's honey consumption. Nobody likes the new rules and Tigger, bored, takes to following Rabbit around. He then challenges Rabbit, saying that he could be a better mayor. To solve the problem, Rabbit has Beaver draw a Big White Line across the Hundred Acre Wood, creating a "Rabbit Side" and a "Tigger Side." Now, friends have been separated, with Darby and Buster, as visitors, trapped in-between.

When a glowing rock lands in the Hundred Acre Wood, it turns Rabbit's vegetables gigantic and eating the massive vegetables bring superpowers to the Super Sleuths. Pooh is given super-sight, Tigger gets super-strength, Buster becomes a super-digger and Darby gains the ability to fly! Rechristened as the Super Duper Super Sleuths, the group finds it easier to solve cases than ever. Meanwhile, Rabbit becomes something of a minor celebrity with his giant vegetables. When Roo and Lumpy become trapped on an island, it looks like the ultimate test of the Super Duper Super Sleuth's new powers. Old fashioned thinking, however, may end up winning the day.


Special 4 The Nature of Things

Special 4 The Nature of Things

  • 2011-10-15T05:30:00Z11m


Special 5 Friendly Tails

Special 5 Friendly Tails

  • 2011-11-15T06:30:00Z11m

Series Premiere


1x01 Rabbit’s Ruta-Wakening

Series Premiere

1x01 Rabbit’s Ruta-Wakening

  • 2008-01-13T06:30:00Z22m

Rutabagas from Rabbit's garden began to disappear. It's a genuine mystery and one that the Super Sleuths are ready and willing to investigate. A few theories emerge as to where the vegetables could be going and Darby decides that an overnight stakeout is the best method of getting to the bottom of the problem; Tigger is devastated when he loses his best bouncing buddy, his shadow. He, Pooh, Darby and Buster try to find it, but come up short on leads. Pooh and Darby try constructing a replacement shadow that he can use until his real one comes back, but it just isn't the same. Tigger is ready to give up bouncing unless his shadow returns.

1x02 Tigger's Shadow of a Doubt

  • 2008-01-13T06:30:00Z22m

Tigger is devastated when he loses his best bouncing buddy, his shadow. He, Pooh, Darby and Buster try to find it, but come up short on leads. Pooh and Darby try constructing a replacement shadow that he can use until his real one comes back, but it just isn't the same. Tigger is ready to give up bouncing unless his shadow returns.


1x03 How to Say I Love Roo

1x03 How to Say I Love Roo

  • 2008-01-27T06:30:00Z22m

It's "I Love You Day" in the Hundred Acre Wood, a special holiday where everyone expresses their love for each other. Most everyone is giving cards, but Roo completely forgot to do anything at all, even for his mom. He wants to give her a special gift, but isn't sure what to give. His friends suggest gift ideas that suit her interests.

1x04 Piglet's Small Predicament

  • 2008-01-27T06:30:00Z22m

Too small to join in a ball game, Piglet cheers his friends Pooh, Tigger, Darby and Buster from the sidelines. When the honey pot he's sitting on is stolen out from under him, he wonders who could have taken it. The problem soon turns into a genuine mystery, as Pooh's honey pots are disappearing left and right.

1x05 Piglet's Piglet's Echo Echo

  • 2008-01-06T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet believes someone is stuck in a cave after he hears voices coming from inside. When he learns that there's really nobody inside, he's embarrassed at having wasted everyone's time. Later, however, he's able to use what he's learned to discover a real predicament.


1x06 Roo's Kite-Tastrophy

1x06 Roo's Kite-Tastrophy

  • 2008-01-06T06:30:00Z22m

When Roo's kite gets caught in a tree, the Super Sleuths come up with a number of ideas to try to retrieve it. They find that no matter what they try, their best efforts fall short. It's then that they discover that even those that are the best at what they do sometimes need a little help.

When Eeyore loses his tail, he reluctantly calls for the assistance of the Super Sleuths. They learn that Eeyore was all around the Hundred Acre Wood that morning and so they decide to go talk to all their friends to see if they've found anything. Meanwhile, Lumpy decides to try to make Eeyore a new tail.


1x08 Pooh, Light Up My Life

1x08 Pooh, Light Up My Life

  • 2008-01-20T06:30:00Z22m

When Lumpy sees flickering lights in the meadow, he believes he's spotted gobloons. It turns out that what he saw was fireflies, but that gets him to wondering just why it is they flash like that. He and the Super Sleuths decide to investigate this curiosity.


1x09 Lumpy Spends the Night

1x09 Lumpy Spends the Night

  • 2008-02-10T06:30:00Z22m

Lumpy is spending the night at Roo's, but he's having trouble getting to sleep. When Roo calls the Super Sleuths for help, they realize that familiar things may help him get to sleep. They try a variety of things, but find the problem so challenging that they're almost ready to give up.


1x10 Good Night to Pooh

1x10 Good Night to Pooh

  • 2008-02-10T06:30:00Z22m

When Rabbit discovers in a book that bears hibernate, he tries to get Pooh to do it too. The Super Sleuths try to help, but Pooh doesn't seem to be getting to sleep. Rabbit is sure that they just have to keep trying, certain because of what it says in the book.


1x11 Eeyore's Sad Day

1x11 Eeyore's Sad Day

  • 2008-03-09T06:30:00Z22m

When Eeyore goes unseen for several days, Piglet and Eeyore become concerned about him. They and the Super Sleuths discover him moping at the top of a hill. They learn that he's especially unhappy because they fall has come and he can no longer roll in his favorite field of dandelions. They decide to try a variety of ways to cheer him up.

When it comes to sleuthing, Tigger is sleeping on the job. He decided he doesn't need to sleep anymore and thus stayed up all night. Now, Pooh and Darby have their hands full trying to get him to take a nap, while also trying to solve the mystery of Rabbit's missing wheelbarrow wheel.

1x13 No Rumbly in Pooh's Tumbly

  • 2008-02-17T06:30:00Z22m

Pooh finds himself missing the "rumbly" in his "tumbly." He's just woken up from a long nap and found that it's missing. He calls on Tigger, Darby and Busters' help to get to the bottom of the problem. They first have to clarify exactly what it is they're searching for before they can start detecting.


1x14 Pooh Sticks Get Stuck

1x14 Pooh Sticks Get Stuck

  • 2008-02-17T06:30:00Z22m

Pooh and the gang have had some trouble deciding what game to play, but have finally come to a compromise. They decide to go with Pooh Sticks first, but find that their sticks are getting stuck. They discover all of the water has disappeared from one side of the stream in which they traditionally play the game. They decide to investigate to find out what's blocking things up.


1x15 Buster's Ruff Day

1x15 Buster's Ruff Day

  • 2008-02-24T06:30:00Z22m

When Buster leads Darby, Pooh and Tigger to the sleuther siren, they can't figure out what he wants. They decide that there must be some sort of mystery, but aren't certain what it is.


1x16 Lumpy's Pet Project

1x16 Lumpy's Pet Project

  • 2008-02-24T06:30:00Z22m

As the Super Sleuths try to help Rabbit, who is stuck in a tree, Lumpy has an issue of his own. He's looking after his cousin's pet, Max, but isn't sure he's taking good care of him. He asks Darby for help, knowing that she always does a good job taking care of Buster. Darby gives her best advice, but doesn't realize there's an important fact she doesn't know about Max.

While out on a case, the Super Sleuths decide to split up and need a way to signal each other. Darby decides on whistling, which Tigger goes along with even though he can't whistle. When he finally admits his secret, Pooh and Darby agree to help him to learn. Tigger, however, quickly becomes frustrated when he can't master it right away.


1x18 Piglet's Hole Problem

1x18 Piglet's Hole Problem

  • 2008-03-02T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet wakes up one morning to find that the hole he dug for his mailbox has gone missing. He calls the Super Sleuths for help and they come up with several theories as to what happened. They aren't certain, though, just how a hole could go missing and where it could have gone to.

When Tigger hears Roo telling Lumpy how to paint a jagular, he realizes that he sounds like an exact match for one. Deciding that he's a jagular, he starts behaving in a most un-Tigger-like way --- slinking around and roaring. Darby and Pooh have their hands full as they try to solve a mystery for Rabbit while Tigger is acting in this strange manner.


1x20 Rabbit's New Roomie

1x20 Rabbit's New Roomie

  • 2008-04-06T05:30:00Z22m

When Tigger paints his place, he paints himself into a corner and then learns it'll be a long while before the paint dries. Since Rabbit gave him the paint, he reluctantly agrees to let Tigger stay at his place for a while, but soon regrets it. Tigger is all over the place, and interfering with Rabbit's comfortably ordered lifestyle.

When Lumpy and Roo find what they believe to be a treasure map, they dress up as pooh-rates to being the exciting search. Realizing that they don't know how to interpret the map, they call for the help of the Super Sleuths. After some hard thinking, the group begins their search. They get some help along the way and discovering the surprising truth about the mysterious map.


1x22 Tigger's Hiccup Pickup

1x22 Tigger's Hiccup Pickup

  • 2007-07-21T05:30:00Z22m

When Rabbit throws a rutabaga potluck party, Tigger's ravenous appetite gets the best of him. He eats so quickly that he gets a bad case of the hiccups, putting Rabbit's precious house in jeopardy. Everyone tries their best to help Tigger out, trying traditional remedies such as drinking water and holding your breath. Then, Porcupine, who's a bit late to the party, comes up with an idea that might just solve the problem --- though it'll take some work.


1x23 Darby's Tail

1x23 Darby's Tail

  • 2008-08-20T05:30:00Z22m

While out playing with her friends, Darby realizes that she lacks something all the others except Pooh have in common --- a tail. She decides she'd like to have one too, but isn't sure how to get one. The gang works together on a number of strategies, including making a tail, and borrowing Eeyore's. As they go about the process, Darby begins to realize something important about tails and what they do for her friends.


1x24 Tigger's Delivery Service

1x24 Tigger's Delivery Service

  • 2008-08-20T05:30:00Z22m

When Tigger helps Rabbit by delivering some vegetables, he finds that he quite enjoys the work. At Rabbit's suggestion, he starts a delivery service and is soon flooded with assignments. He tries to carry on with this and Super Sleuthing duties as well, saying that he doesn't need any help. Darby and Pooh soon start to miss him, however, and he finds himself becoming confused by the constant stream of requests for deliveries.


1x25 Super-Sized Darby

1x25 Super-Sized Darby

  • 2008-05-11T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit has come up with what he believes to be his best invention yet --- a Insta-Go-Grow potion for his precious plants. At first it doesn't seem to work, but when some ends up on Darby, she soon grows to the size of a giant. At first, Darby enjoys her new size and finding it helping her when it comes to Super Sleuth cases. It has several drawbacks, however, including the fact that she can't wear her cap. Darby soon finds herself less-than-enamored with her new height.

Since the Super Sleuths are always there to help, Piglet decides to do something nice for them --- giving them a picnic. When rain comes and threatens to spoil it, they move it indoors, but soon it seems as if the host has disappeared. It turns out that he's hiding from all the thunder and lightning. Pooh, Tigger, Darby and Buster work together to help Piglet to see that there's nothing to be afraid of as long as he's safe inside.


1x27 Chasing Pooh's Rainbow

1x27 Chasing Pooh's Rainbow

  • 2008-05-18T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh has always heard there's a pot of honey waiting at the end of the rainbow, but rainbows always disappear before he can reach their end. He decides to gather the Super Sleuths for help in solving this frustrating problem. They work together to try to discover just what makes a rainbow.


1x28 Lumpy Mixes A Mystery

1x28 Lumpy Mixes A Mystery

  • 2008-05-18T05:30:00Z22m

Lumpy has made a wonderful birdhouse for his Uncle Grumpus, but is missing the purple paint needed to paint it his uncle's favorite color. When he and Roo find that Tigger doesn't have any either, they call the Super Sleuths for help. At first, they try alternate methods of decorating birdhouse purple. It seems, though, that they may already have the needed materials at hand.


1x29 Porcupine's Pen Pal

1x29 Porcupine's Pen Pal

  • 2008-05-25T05:30:00Z22m

Porcupine is excited when her pen pal writes that he's coming for a visit to the Hundred Acre Wood. Her excitement turns to dread, however, when she learns that he's looking forward to giving her a big hug. The Super Sleuths look for ways to soften the sharpness of her quills, but seem to be coming up empty. Then they discover something important about her pen pal.

Piglet calls the Super Sleuths to solve a big problem: watermelons that have completely filled up his house. Rabbit keeps bringing them over from his garden and Piglet doesn't know how to say "no" when Rabbit offers them so nicely. They decide to throw a party and invite the entire Wood to eat up the watermelons, but Rabbit still keeps bringing them.


1x31 Eeyore's Trip To The Moon

1x31 Eeyore's Trip To The Moon

  • 2007-10-06T05:30:00Z22m

While out one night admiring the moon, Eeyore and the Super Sleuths encounter a funny-looking rock. The rock seems to match exactly with the portion of the moon that is missing that night, leading them to think it must have fallen from the moon. They devise an expedition the moon and with the help of their friends, build their very own rocket ship. For his part, Eeyore is looking forward to rolling around in moon clover.

Everyone is confused when the Roo's newest mark on his measuring sunflower turns out to be lower than the previous one. Despite seemingly being a healthy growing boy, it would appear that he's shrunk. They begin to search for a way to get to grow like he should.


1x33 Eeyore's Home Sweet Home

1x33 Eeyore's Home Sweet Home

  • 2008-06-01T05:30:00Z22m

When Eeyore's house is once again knocked over, Lumpy suggests it's time to call the Super Sleuths to solve the problem. Eeyore does so and Darby comes up with the idea that Eeyore needs a brand-new home. Soon, a variety of homes are suggested to Eeyore, none of which seem to be quite right. It seems the Super Sleuths are forgetting to take something important into account when it comes to Eeyore's home.


1x34 Rabbit's Prized Pumpkin

1x34 Rabbit's Prized Pumpkin

  • 2008-06-01T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit has grown a prized pumpkin, a "one-of-a-kind, perfect pumpkin" he's sure will win the year's best pumpkin competition. The only problem is, the pumpkin's exposed position in Rabbit's garden seems to put in constant danger. At Tigger's suggestion, Rabbit calls the Super Sleuths to serve as guards for his pumpkin. They're happy to help, but soon realize that standing as 24/7 guards for the pumpkin simply won't be possible. As they work other plans to protect the pumpkin, but it may not be possible to protect it from every danger without spoiling what made it perfect in the first place.

When the Hundred Acre Wood has its Many Thanks Day, the characters come together for a big feast and Christopher Robin joins the fun, too. Lumpy, however, wonders why the woozles haven't been invited. Despite protests, they realize that it really isn't fair to have their feast without at least trying to invite the woozles. Christopher Robin joins the Super Sleuths in the search for the woozles. Along the way, they learn that finding woozles is more difficult than they thought, but they also find many other friends.


1x36 Turtle's Need for Speed

1x36 Turtle's Need for Speed

  • 2007-11-10T06:30:00Z22m

Rabbit is at the end of his rope when Turtle once again shows up late for their daily checkers match. Turtle promises to be on time from now on, but he just doesn't seem how he's going to do it. The Super Sleuths agree to help him to finally make it on time. They try a number of ideas, but nothing seems to be able to speed Turtle up. Then, Tigger gets an idea to look at things differently.


1x37 Pooh's Double Trouble

1x37 Pooh's Double Trouble

  • 2007-11-10T06:30:00Z22m

Porcupine is helping her friend Turtle to move into the old cave and they have many heavy deliveries to make. One of the items they're transporting is a huge mirror. As they go about their business, Pooh is playing with Piglet and spots what appears to be... himself. He calls in the help of the other Super Sleuths and soon everyone is seeing duplicates. Everyone is very confused as they split up and can no longer tell if they're running into themselves, their friends, or one of the many duplicates.


1x38 Eeyore Sleeps on It

1x38 Eeyore Sleeps on It

  • 2007-11-10T06:30:00Z22m

Porcupine is surprised when she finds Eeyore camped out in front of the stump where she normally plays music. Wondering why he's not sleeping at home, she calls the Super Sleuths, who realize that Eeyore has been sleepwalking. That night, they camp out at his place to figure out what is going on and just as they're about to nod off to sleep, he starts sleepwalking. They go on a rambling adventure through the Hundred Acre Wood, helping him to stay safe, but are no closer to the solution of their mystery. They realize that solving the sleepwalking problem might hinge on learning exactly why the donkey has taken to sleepwalking.

When Darby goes off for some errands, Tigger and Pooh are left on their in the event of any Super Sleuth cases. As she leaves them, she casually tells them that she's just lost a tooth. Convinced that Darby must be devastated, the two make it into a case. They begin searching the whole of the Wood for the tooth and enlist Rabbit as a Deputy Sleuth.


1x40 Snow Problem, Roo

1x40 Snow Problem, Roo

  • 2008-02-03T06:30:00Z22m

It's winter in the Hundred Acre Wood and everyone is enjoying wintry activities. At least, Roo was enjoying his nice, Tigger-sized snowman until suddenly it started shrinking. He calls the Super Sleuths, who discover that it's melted. Hoping to save the snowman, they think of anything that know that helps to cool things down.


1x41 Symphony for a Rabbit

1x41 Symphony for a Rabbit

  • 2008-03-16T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit is holding his annual Spring Has Sprung concert and his excited to use his new orchestra machine, until it tumbles down a hill and breaks. The Super Sleuths try to fix it, but they have no idea how. Then, they come up with a creative solution to Rabbit's orchestral dilemma.


1x42 Tigger Goes Snowflakey

1x42 Tigger Goes Snowflakey

  • 2008-03-16T05:30:00Z22m

While out and about, Tigger passes by Rabbit's and overhears him shouting about something stripey that makes him itchy. When Rabbit says he's not talking to it again unless he sees two snowflakes that are exactly the same, Tigger believes Rabbit is talking about him. He calls for Darby and Poohs' help in finding identical snowflakes. Despite Darby's insistence that there's no such thing, he's determined to find them to regain Rabbit's friendship.


1x43 Buster's Bath

1x43 Buster's Bath

  • 2008-04-27T05:30:00Z22m

Muddy from chasing squirrels, Darby's dog Buster needs a bath. The Super Sleuths try their best to clean him up.


1x44 Once in a Pooh Moon

1x44 Once in a Pooh Moon

  • 2008-04-27T05:30:00Z22m

Lumpy is excited when his friends throw him a moon party. He's upset, however, when it seems that the moon has gone missing. He calls on the Super Sleuths to try to figure out where it has gone. They turn to Rabbit for help.

Lumpy gets help from the Super Sleuths to fix his favorite toy.

Rabbit cares for an egg when the animal that laid it is missing.


1x47 Flowers for Roo

1x47 Flowers for Roo

  • 2008-03-23T05:30:00Z22m

The Super Sleuths find their attention divided when they receive multiple calls about sudden appearances of butterflies within their friends' homes. Piglet, Rabbit and Kanga all report sudden infusions of unwanted butterflies. Upon investigating, the Sleuths discover that finding the best way to eliminate the butterflies might lie in deducing what's causing their sudden appearance in the first place.

When Rabbit settles down for a nap, he finds his rest disturbed by a loud tapping noise. Desperately wanting to sleep, he calls on the Super Sleuths to investigate the annoying sound, which seems to start up every time he lays his head down on the pillow. The Super Sleuths set to work and find themselves on the trail of several mysterious noises. They realize that they need to listen carefully to the noise so as to not simply go chasing after anything that sounds somewhat like it.


1x49 Christopher Froggin'

1x49 Christopher Froggin'

  • 2008-05-04T05:30:00Z22m

When playing a game of magic with Buster, Darby casts a magic spell to turn in into a frog. She is surprised when a real frog shows up, wearing a friendship bracelet for Christopher Robin. Worried that she has turned her friend into a frog, she calls the Super Sleuths into action. They try their best to think of ways to turn Christopher Robin back into a human, or barring that, at least keep him happy.


1x50 Piglet's Rocky Bottom

1x50 Piglet's Rocky Bottom

  • 2008-05-04T05:30:00Z22m

When Piglet finds a large boulder blocking his doorway, he calls for the help of the Super Sleuths. The Sleuths spring to action, but face a small mystery of their own -- Tigger's Sleuth Suit is missing and he's worried he can't solve mysteries without it. As the team tries to solve Piglet's problem, Darby works to convince Tigger that he can still be helpful even without his costume.


1x51 Darby, Solo Sleuth

1x51 Darby, Solo Sleuth

  • 2008-08-16T05:30:00Z22m

A cold is going around the Hundred Acre Wood and Kanga needs lemons to add to a special soup she's making to ease everyone's sniffles. When Pooh and Tigger catch the cold, Darby and Buster are left to sleuth out how to get some lemons themselves. Rabbit was supposed to deliver them, but it seems he's feeling under the weather himself, so the girl and her dog find themselves searching all over the Hundred Acre Wood to get lemons.

Season Finale


1x52 Doggone Buster

Season Finale

1x52 Doggone Buster

  • 2008-08-16T05:30:00Z22m

When Darby briefly leaves Buster alone, he ends up joining Roo and Lumpy on an adventure to their fort. Since they didn't tell anyone where they were going, Darby ends up thinking that Buster is lost. The Super Sleuths are soon on the case, trying to track down just where the little dog has gone.

Season Premiere


2x01 Darby Goes Woozle Sleuthin'

Season Premiere

2x01 Darby Goes Woozle Sleuthin'

  • 2008-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

Darby Goes Woozle Sleuthin': When Kanga finds Lumpy and Roo playing a game of "Catch the Woozle," she tells them a legend about a woozle wizard who has the capability to grant wishes. Intrigued by the story, the two friends call the Super Sleuths in the hope of tracking down this wizard. The group sets out to find the biggest oak tree, which they discover to be over by Heffalump Hollow.

How the Tigger Lost His Stripe: After having his self-portrait painted by Roo, Tigger goes home and discovers he no longer matches his self-portrait. One of his tail-stripes, "Oomphy," has gone missing. He calls an emergency meeting of the Super Sleuths, but begins to despair of lost bouncing powers when they encounter difficulties in finding his stripe.


2x03 Tigger Gets Bounced

2x03 Tigger Gets Bounced

  • 2008-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

Tigger Gets Bounced: Annoyed when Tigger's bouncing ruins his vegetable sculpture, Rabbit creates a mechanized bouncing machine called Springs. He challenges Tigger to a bounce-off with Springs, then appoints Springs in charge of all bouncing activities within the Hundred Acre Wood after Tigger loses. Tigger becomes downcast, losing interest in helping out anyone by bouncing, or solving Super Sleuth cases. When Springs suffers a malfunction, however, Tigger is called upon to put a stop to the mechanized menace.

2x04 Super Sleuths Wait for Ever

  • 2008-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

Super Sleuths Wait for Ever: When Tigger and Roo get tired of waiting for Kanga's cookies to bake, they call in the talents of the Super Sleuths. They're hoping to find a way to make waiting go faster. As they consult their friends on the problem, they find that they're not the only ones waiting for something to happen that morning. They try many things, but begin to wonder if it might simply not be possible to make waiting go faster.


2x05 Small's World After All

2x05 Small's World After All

  • 2008-09-28T05:30:00Z22m

Small's World After All: Rabbit has a guest visiting at his house-- a beetle named Small. He asks Tigger and Pooh to look after the bug while he goes to play checkers with Turtle. When Small gets loose, a meeting of the Super Sleuths is called to try and find them. He sends them all on a wild adventure throughout the Hundred Acre Wood, managing to stay just one step ahead.


2x06 Darby's Fog-Gone Mystery

2x06 Darby's Fog-Gone Mystery

  • 2008-09-28T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Fog-Gone Mystery: A wave of fog has rolled through the Hundred Acre Wood, making it difficult for anyone to see anything or even move about. Roo and Lumpy were looking forward to playing in Rabbit's corn field, but Rabbit won't let them until the fog has lifted. Ready and eager to play, they call on the Super Sleuths, hoping to find a way to lift the fog.


2x07 Pooh's Cookie Tree

2x07 Pooh's Cookie Tree

  • 2008-09-28T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Cookie Tree: When a cookie falls on Pooh's head from a tree, he figures that it must be a cookie tree. Finding this a delightful idea, he calls upon the Super Sleuths to see if there's a way he can have one in his yard. Meanwhile, Lumpy and Roo find themselves facing a mystery when the cookies they were delivering to Heffalump Hollow go missing.


2x08 Lumpy Joins In

2x08 Lumpy Joins In

  • 2008-09-28T05:30:00Z22m

Lumpy Joins In: Lumpy has always wanted to sing a choir, but the Heffalump choir is only for adults. He's delighted when Rabbit starts a choir and promises to include everyone. Lumpy's unique brand of singing, however, is more like trumpeting and doesn't seem to fit in with Rabbit's tune. Darby, Tigger and Pooh come together as the Super Sleuths, determined to help Lumpy find a way to join in.


2x09 Rabbit's Sound of Silence

2x09 Rabbit's Sound of Silence

  • 2008-10-04T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit's Sound of Silence: Rabbit is trying to bake a special cake for Porcupine's birthday party, one that pops if not made in complete silence. Unfortunately, Beaver is working on a log right outside his home and making a lot of noise. Rabbit calls upon the help of the Super Sleuths, who find that keeping things quiet is easier said (or not said) than done.


2x10 Eager Beaver

2x10 Eager Beaver

  • 2008-10-04T05:30:00Z22m

Eager Beaver: The Super Sleuths have been receiving many calls lately, leaving them exhausted and with no time to play. Hearing about their problem, Beaver decides to join the team and give them some help. Beaver quickly has the Sleuths moving fast, but his quick solutions fail to get to the underlying causes of the problems.


2x11 Pooh's Bees Buzz Off

2x11 Pooh's Bees Buzz Off

  • 2008-10-18T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Bees Buzz Off: Having run out of honey, Pooh heads for the hive, only to discover that the bees aren't there. He calls a meeting of the Super Sleuths, who soon discover that things are worse than they thought. It seems as if all of the insects have disappeared the Hundred Acre Wood. When they receive a call from Rabbit, it leads to a clue to help them crack the case.


2x12 Buster's Buried Treasure

2x12 Buster's Buried Treasure

  • 2008-10-18T05:30:00Z22m

Buster's Buried Treasure: As Lumpy and Roo play "pooh-rates," Beaver tells Rabbit a fanciful tale of treasure in the Hundred Acre Wood-- fanciful, but seemingly true when the "pooh-rates" find what they believe to be a gold doubloon. Meanwhile, Darby, Pooh and Tigger answer the sound of the Super Sleuth siren and find that Buster has lost his Super Sleuth medallion. As the three set to searching places where he might have lost it, Rabbit and Beaver begin an eager session of digging in the hopes of finding more treasure.


2x13 No More Honey for Pooh

2x13 No More Honey for Pooh

  • 2008-11-08T06:30:00Z22m

No More Honey for Pooh: One day, while out playing with Darby and Tigger, Pooh gets stuck in a log. He calls a meeting of the Super Sleuths and they soon determine that he's become stuck from eating too much honey. They realize that the only way for him to get out of the log is to keep him from eating honey, something that won't be very easy.


2x14 Stuck Be a Piglet

2x14 Stuck Be a Piglet

  • 2008-11-08T06:30:00Z22m

Stuck Be a Piglet: Looking to cool down on a hot day, Piglet agrees to Rabbit's suggestion that he roll around in the mud like a real pig. He finds the cool mud soothing, but ends up becoming a half-baked piglet as the sun dries up the mud. Spotting this predicament, Woodpecker calls in the help of the Super Sleuths. They try their best to come up with a way to free their friend without getting stuck in the mud themselves.


2x15 Piglet's Nutty Problem

2x15 Piglet's Nutty Problem

  • 2008-12-14T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet's Nutty Problem: When a wind storm blows through the Hundred Acre Wood, it leaves Piglet with a mystery involving hundreds of haycorns. He's lost his favorite haycorn that Pooh gave him in his backyard and doesn't know how to find it in the huge mess of haycorns that have covered it. With the help of the Super Sleuths, he learns how sorting things by specific characteristics can help someone to find something, even when it's buried amongst many similar things.


2x16 Missing Lumpy

2x16 Missing Lumpy

  • 2008-12-14T06:30:00Z22m

Missing Lumpy: Lumpy is off visiting his aunt at the far end of Heffalump Hollow for a week and Roo really misses him. The Super Sleuths spring into action, hoping that maybe they can take Lumpy's place. They soon realize that there's no way that they can replace Lumpy, but there may be something else that they can do.


2x17 Darby's Lost and Found

2x17 Darby's Lost and Found

  • 2008-12-15T06:30:00Z22m

Darby's Lost and Found: When Piglet calls the Super Sleuths about a missing sock, they realize that things have lately been disappearing around the Hundred Acre Wood at an alarming rate. The items have seemingly vanished without a trace and they wonder if they might be disappearing to some mysterious Land of the Lost. They set up a stakeout that leads them to a surprising discovery.


2x18 Piglet's Mystery Pet

2x18 Piglet's Mystery Pet

  • 2008-12-15T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet's Mystery Pet: When Piglet finds what appears to be a fish stranded in a puddle of water, he adopts it as his very own pet and names it Squiggly. When Squiggly grows legs, Piglet becomes very concerned and calls the Super Sleuths for help. As the Super Sleuths investigate just what is happening to Squiggly, they and Piglet all speculate over just what kind of create he could be. They begin to realize that Squiggly has been changing since they day Piglet found him.


2x19 Piglet's Lost Voice

2x19 Piglet's Lost Voice

  • 2009-01-03T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet's Lost Voice: Piglet is excited about singing for his friends and has been practicing hard. When he learns that flyers have been posted to announce his performance, he seems excited, but then find that he can no longer sing. Convinced that Piglet has lost his voice, the Super Sleuths spring into action.


2x20 Funny Rabbit

2x20 Funny Rabbit

  • 2009-01-03T06:30:00Z22m

Funny Rabbit: Pooh and his friends are sure that Rabbit doesn't know how to have fun because he never wants to play games with them and often seems to be grumpy. As the Super Sleuths, they try to teach Rabbit the meaning of having fun. Their methods include jokes and games, but Rabbit doesn't seem to find any of it to be fun.

Tigger's Day at the You-See-Um: When Darby arrives in the Hundred Acre Wood buzzing about a trip to the museum, Tigger decides that it would be a fun idea to start a "you-see-um" in the Hundred Acre Wood. Rabbit, however, is unimpressed by his collection of sticks and rocks, telling him that a museum should contain special things. Tigger calls together the Super Sleuths, hoping that they can find a woozle egg. The group sets out on an adventure and discovers many interesting things along the way.


2x22 Skunk's Non-Scents

2x22 Skunk's Non-Scents

  • 2009-01-31T06:30:00Z22m

Skunk's Non-Scents: Embarrassed that he doesn't have a smelly stench like his parents or siblings, Skunk calls on the help of the Super Sleuths. They reluctantly agree to help him, understanding how much having a stench means to a skunk. They find various smelly things to attach to Skunk, but being to realize that they're approaching the problem the wrong way.


2x23 It's Eeyore Birthday

2x23 It's Eeyore Birthday

  • 2009-02-14T06:30:00Z22m

It's Eeyore Birthday: When Eeyore calls the Super Sleuths for a case, they learn that he doesn't know when his birthday is. He's never had a birthday party in his life, but would like to have one. They try to put together the best party ever for him, but start to become frustrated when things keep going wrong.

The Tiglet and Pigger Switcher: When Roo performs a magic trick intended to make Tigger and Piglet switch barrels, the two end up swapping personalities instead. Piglet begins bouncing all over the place, while Tigger displays a pronounced lack of courage and an unusual interest in laundry. The Super Sleuths, now including Piglet (or Pigger) decide to try to reverse the trick, but first have to track down the barrels that were used for it.


2x25 Flowers for Eeyore

2x25 Flowers for Eeyore

  • 2009-03-27T05:30:00Z22m

Flowers for Eeyore: When Roo briefly leaves a basket of flowers he gathered for his mom by Eeyore's house, Eeyore discovers them and thinks that they're for him. He's never received flowers before, and calls the Super Sleuths to try to figure out who sent them. When the truth is revealed, Eeyore is disappointed, so the entire Hundred Acre Wood decides to put together a surprise to cheer him up.


2x26 Easter Rabbit

2x26 Easter Rabbit

  • 2009-03-27T05:30:00Z22m

Easter Rabbit: Lumpy and Roo think that they've discovered a great secret-- Rabbit is the Easter Bunny! They soon learn that Rabbit isn't actually the Easter Bunny, but Rabbit agrees to try taking on the job anyway. He soon gets to work on planning Easter, determined not to accept help from anyone.

2x27 Darby's Wheelie Big Problem

  • 2009-05-11T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Wheelie Big Problem: Following a particularly messy case, the Super Sleuths find that their scooters need a good cleaning. With the scooters out of commission for the time being, Pooh and Tigger substitute bicycles. Both are very fast on them, but Darby's still using training wheels. She'd like to be able to go as fast as the others, but is scared that she's going to fall.

Turtle Comes Out of His Shell: Turtle decides that the doesn't need his shell anymore-- it's only getting in his way. He calls upon the Super Sleuths to help him find fun new shell-free activities to do. When he finds that he can no longer hug Porcupine, he begins to wonder if his decision might have been a rash one.


2x29 Darby's Pony

2x29 Darby's Pony

  • 2009-06-06T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Pony: Seeing that Darby is always reading a book about a girl and her pony, Pooh and Tigger get the idea that Darby really wants a pony. They make it a Super Sleuth case of their very own and try to figure out how to get her one. They decide to enlist Eeyore's help, making him into a pony for Darby.

2x30 Rabbit's Not So Scary-Crow

  • 2009-06-06T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit's Not So Scary-Crow: Rabbit's scarecrow, Theodore, is no longer doing its job and the crows just laugh at it. Rabbit calls in the Super Sleuths to help and they come up with any number of ideas to scare of their crows. They find, however, that their ideas work best when they combine them together.

Down Woodpecker's Mystery Lane: When Woodpecker summons the Super Sleuths, they find him pecking at the pole for the finder flag with a ribbon tied to him. He's completely forgotten the reason why he called them, but is withering in the strong heat of the day. Trying to help Woodpecker, the Super Sleuths begin retracing his steps, helping other friends along the way.


2x32 Darby's Lost Friend

2x32 Darby's Lost Friend

  • 2009-07-11T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Lost Friend: It's the most monkeyfied mystery ever when Darby's stuffed monkey, Billy Boo, goes missing. Darby is sure that he couldn't have just walked off, but nobody is really sure how to find him. Everyone gives it their best go, but it begins to look like Darby might have to say goodbye to her friend.


2x33 Beaver's Taste Buddies

2x33 Beaver's Taste Buddies

  • 2009-07-11T05:30:00Z22m

Beaver's Taste Buddies: A deep, cold winter has hit the Hundred Acre Wood, freezing up Beaver's favorite food source. The trees that he normally munches on have become so stiff that he can't take a bite out of them. He calls the Super Sleuths to try to solve the problem, but begins to think he might have to move away for a while when it seems like they can't find any food that he likes.

2x34 Too Many Helpings of Tigger

  • 2009-07-11T05:30:00Z22m

Too Many Helpings of Tigger: It's been a while since the Sleuther Siren has sounded and Tigger is eager to help his friends. He begins visiting them, trying to help them out with their problems without being asked. Tigger's unsolicited help ends up causing more problems than it solves.


2x35 Darby the Plant-Sitter

2x35 Darby the Plant-Sitter

  • 2009-07-12T05:30:00Z22m

Darby the Plant-Sitter: When Rabbit goes on a trip, he asks Darby to take care of his garden. Darby happily agrees to the job and puts her best effort into the task, but begins to worry that she's not a good plant-sitter. She notices a certain group of plants that have only leaves and don't otherwise appear to be growing. She decides to call together the Super Sleuths to come up with ways to make the plants grow.


2x36 Pooh's Nightingale

2x36 Pooh's Nightingale

  • 2009-07-12T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Nightingale: Pooh loves the music of the nightingale in the birdhouse outside his home, but wakes up one morning to find the nightingale gone. The Super Sleuths try to track the nightingale, while Rabbit puts together a mechanical nightingale that he hopes can be a replacement. When the Sleuths receive a call from Turtle, one problem is solved, but another one ends up being created.


2x37 Home For the Holly Days

2x37 Home For the Holly Days

  • 2009-07-12T05:30:00Z22m

Home for the Holly Days: The young reindeer Holly pays a return visit to the Hundred Acre Wood. She has trouble fitting in, as it's the middle of summer and nothing is like her home at the North Pole. Everyone works together to show her that she can have a lot of doing new things.


2x38 Piglet's Found Art

2x38 Piglet's Found Art

  • 2009-07-12T05:30:00Z22m

Piglet's Found Art: Piglet is drawing his friends when he encounters a strange problem-- all of his crayons have gone missing. He calls in the aid of the Super Sleuths. When they find the missing crayon wrapper, but not the crayons, the mystery deepens.

Rabbit's Song for a Pumpkin: When Rabbit enters his pumpkin in a pumpkin competition, it turns out that it's down in the rules that he must have a theme song for his pumpkin. Rabbit has an amazing pumpkin, but no theme song. He turns to the Super Sleuths for help. Together, they gather everyone to come up with songs about Rabbit's pumpkin.


2x40 Pooh's Blue's

2x40 Pooh's Blue's

  • 2009-09-08T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Blues: One day, Darby and Tigger are out picking blueberries when they discover that Pooh's bottom has become the color blue. Thinking that Pooh has been eating too many blueberries, they have him eat honey instead, hoping that it will return his bottom to its original color. When this doesn't work, Pooh begins to wonder what his friends will think of him if he ends up having a blue bottom forever.


2x41 Rabbit Get's Squashed

2x41 Rabbit Get's Squashed

  • 2009-09-26T05:30:00Z22m

Rabbit Gets Squashed: When Rabbit and Tigger get into a fight, Tigger wishes that Rabbit would turn into a pumpkin. Later, he returns to Rabbit's house and finds a pumpkin with Rabbit's hat and gloves on top of it. Convinced that his spiteful wish came true, Tigger calls the Super Sleuths into action to save "RaRa."


2x42 Topsy Turvey Tigger

2x42 Topsy Turvey Tigger

  • 2009-09-26T05:30:00Z22m

Topsy Turvy Tigger: Tigger has been trying a new form of bouncing-- bouncing upside down. He finds that it gives him a new perspective on things, but it also creates problems in the Wood. When the Super Sleuths investigate a case about mysterious drawings, a new perspective turns out to be just what they need.


2x43 Pooh's Badful Day

2x43 Pooh's Badful Day

  • 2009-09-26T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Badful Day: When Pooh falls out of bed after a bad dream, he's sure that it's the start of a badful day. Tigger and Darby aren't so sure, until a thunderstorm comes and the birds start chirping. Determined to help out, Tigger and Darby convince Pooh to join them as the Super Sleuths and find away to turn his badful day around. It's a hard task and muddy at times, but they work their way through.


2x44 Sleuthin' in the Wind

2x44 Sleuthin' in the Wind

  • 2009-09-26T05:30:00Z22m

Sleuthin' in the Wind: On a very windy day, the Super Sleuths get a call from Piglet, who's afraid that he'll be blown away if he goes outside. They work to keep him safe, but also try to show him that the wind can be fun. As they explore the day outside, Piglet begins to learn of the fun that a blustery day can be.


2x45 You're a Big Boy, Roo

2x45 You're a Big Boy, Roo

  • 2009-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

You're a Big Boy, Roo: Roo is given an important job by his Mom-- to pick up her pouch watch from Rabbit who has been repairing it. Roo gets the watch, but then loses it when he stops to play. Worried that his Mom won't think him a big boy anymore, he calls on the Super Sleuths to help him find it. They assist him with his problem, but then a later problem comes up that he can only solve on his own.


2x46 Turtle's for the Birds

2x46 Turtle's for the Birds

  • 2009-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

Turtle's for the Birds: Turtle loves birdwatching and draws the birds that he watches, but there's one bird that he's never seen. The rare flume-plumed speckled boom-whacker. It only comes to the Wood once a year on its way south. When it seemingly gets scared away, he becomes disappointed, so the Super Sleuths try to cheer him up.

2x47 Darby's Prickly Predicament

  • 2009-09-27T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Prickly Predicament: Against his mother's advice, Roo takes his favorite toy, a stuffed giraffe named Georgie, out to play and ends up losing it in a brier patch. He calls for the Super Sleuths to help him get it out. They try, but despite their best efforts are unable to retrieve it. They realize that they have to look at the problem in a different way.

Piglet's Monster Under the Bed: One night, not long before Piglet's bedtime, Rabbit tells him "Don't let the nighty night monster bite." It's just a silly saying and Rabbit tells him so, but Piglet becomes convinced that there's a real monster under his bed. He calls for the Super Sleuths, who agree to help him out, even though they're sure there's no such thing as monsters. Then, everyone gets scared and begins to think that there is really a monster under Piglet's bed.

Tigger's Invitation Frustration: Lumpy is having a birthday party. All of his friends have received invitations, except for Tigger. Tigger is worried that Lumpy decided not to invite him, but Darby and Pooh are certain that there's been some kind of mistake. They decide to call together the Super Sleuths to find out what's happening with Tigger's invitation.


2x50 Darby's Halloween Case

2x50 Darby's Halloween Case

  • 2009-10-24T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Halloween Case: When Turtle holds a Halloween party in his cave, things start getting a little too scary. Everyone hears strange noises and things start moving seemingly on their own. They become convinced that Turtle's cave is haunted by ghosts, so Piglet calls the Super Sleuths to get to the bottom of things.


2x51 Tigger Cleans House

2x51 Tigger Cleans House

  • 2009-11-03T06:30:00Z22m

Tigger Cleans House: Darby, Pooh and Tigger are supposed to be playing a game of tennis, but Tigger has forgotten to bring the tennis rackets. He returns to his house to get them, but his house is such a mess that he cannot find them. The Super Sleuths are called into action to clean up, with Tigger as a reluctant Sleuth who at first would rather leave his home messy. Darby helps him to see that cleaning can be a fun game and Rabbit also joins in the fun.


2x52 Sleuth Buster

2x52 Sleuth Buster

  • 2009-11-03T06:30:00Z22m

Sleuth Buster: When Rabbit loses his garden gloves, he calls on the Super Sleuths, but they are searching a dark cave for Pooh's honey and only Buster hears the call. When the others exit the cave, Buster tries to alert them to the problem, but they can't figure out what he's yapping about. Meanwhile, with the call not answered, Rabbit rounds up Piglet and Eeyore and they begin searching for the Super Sleuths, believing them to have been captured by woozles. A series of comic misadventures ensues as both groups search for the other.


2x53 Roo's Pebble in the Pond

2x53 Roo's Pebble in the Pond

  • 2009-11-17T06:30:00Z22m

Roo's Pebble in the Pond: Roo creates a new holiday called "Help All Your Friends in the Wood Day," but begins to worry that he's too little to help any of his friends. After a failed attempt at helping Piglet, the Super Sleuths are called in to rescue Roo from a tree. Roo explains his holiday and they decide to help him out. Roo is at first delighted at helping out, but soon begins to despair when it seems that none of his attempts to help go right. The Sleuths search for a way to help Roo see his value.

Darby's Super Sleuth Surprise: Wanting to show them their appreciation, the residents of the Wood plan a surprise party for the Super Sleuths. As they work hard on the party, they also work to conceal their efforts from the Sleuths. Since nobody seems to want their help, the Sleuths begin to worry that maybe they're no longer needed. Note: This is the first and only Mini-Episode where Rabbit Breaks the fourth Wall in My Friends Tigger and Pooh


2x55 Bursting Pooh's Bubble

2x55 Bursting Pooh's Bubble

  • 2009-12-01T06:30:00Z22m

Bursting Pooh's Bubble: One day while out blowing bubbles, Roo and Lumpy get the idea to create a really big bubble. Pooh tries to catch their bubble, but instead of catching it ends up becoming trapped inside it. When Pooh and the bubble bounce into a tree, Lumpy and Roo call for the help of the remaining Super Sleuths. They face a duel problem-- first getting Pooh down from the tree and then getting him out of a bubble that seemingly will not break.


2x56 Beaver Get's Skunked

2x56 Beaver Get's Skunked

  • 2009-12-01T06:30:00Z22m

Beaver Gets Skunked: When Beaver spots Skunk near his dam, he calls on the Super Sleuths to shoo him away. This is one request the Sleuths refuse, as they are sure that Beaver would like Skunk if he only got know him. Beaver isn't at all sure, citing a time that he was once sprayed by a skunk. The Sleuths decide that maybe Beaver and Skunk could be friends if they get to know each other, so they invite Skunk to Rabbit's cornival, which Beaver also happens to be attending.

Porcupine Comes to Her Senses: When Porcupine loses her glasses, she calls on the Super Sleuths to help find them. Without her glasses, Porcupine is near-blind, but she joins the Super Sleuths as they journey to find her glasses. As they retrace her steps to locate the lost glasses, they learn along the way how powerful senses other than vision can be.

2x58 Rabbit and Turtle's Re-Run

  • 2009-12-15T06:30:00Z22m

Rabbit and Turtle's Re-Run: Rabbit and Turtle call the Super Sleuths, hoping that they can help them resolve a heated argument. Both are sure that it was their grandfather who won a race from the days of yore against the other's grandfather and both have a photo that they claim prove this. The Super Sleuths decide that the best way to resolve the problem is to hold a new race to see which is faster: a rabbit or a turtle? Along the way, both Rabbit and Turtle demonstrate good sportsmanship and renewed friendship.


2x59 Piglet's Wish Upon a Star

2x59 Piglet's Wish Upon a Star

  • 2010-01-02T06:30:00Z22m

Piglet's Wish Upon a Star: Late at night, Pooh, Tigger, Darby, Buster and Piglet are all out watching stars. Piglet sees a shooting star and gets to make a wish. Tigger wants to know the wish, but is warned that it won't come true if Piglet tells. The next morning, Tigger calls together the Super Sleuths, worried that Piglet's wish won't come true. He wants them to true to figure out Piglet's wish so that they can help make it come true.

2x60 Squirrels Will Be Squirrels

  • 2010-01-02T06:30:00Z22m

Squirrels Will Be Squirrels: Darby, Tigger and Pooh are making presents out of recycled things. Pooh and Tigger create a chew toy out of an old shoe for Buster, but the squirrels swipe it. Buster chases after them and ends up creating a giant mess in the Hundred Acre Wood in the process. The Super Sleuths try to discern the reason for Buster's seemingly awful behavior, not having seen what the squirrels did.


2x61 Lumpy's Downhill Battle

2x61 Lumpy's Downhill Battle

  • 2010-01-02T06:30:00Z22m

Lumpy's Downhill Battle: Roo can't seem to teach Lumpy to ski, so he calls the Super Sleuths for help. The Sleuths come up with a number of ideas that seem to be helpful at first, but Lumpy still fails when it comes to skiing. Lumpy is ready to give up, but then his Mama Heffalump appears and urges him to wear his scarf. Lumpy gets the idea that it's a magic scarf that will help him to be a great skiier.


2x62 Darby's Squirmy Worms

2x62 Darby's Squirmy Worms

  • 2010-01-02T06:30:00Z22m

Darby's Squirmy Worms: When Rabbit discovers that his garden is full of worms, he treats them as a hostile invasion force. He calls the Super Sleuths to remove them. The Sleuths agree, even though they aren't sure just what harm the worms are to Rabbit's garden. When they succeed in removing them, Rabbit's garden only seems to get worse and they realize they'll have to think, think, think harder to solve the problem.

Pooh and Piglet Misplace Their Place: One evening, Pooh and Piglet discover a place that they find to be an excellent spot for watching the sunset together. It's very distinctive, featuring a comfortable log, an oddly shaped rock and the sweet smell of a honeysuckle bush. The next day, however, they can't find their spot, so they call the Super Sleuths to help locate it. They search far and wide throughout the Wood and discover along the way what's really special about the spot.


2x64 Eeyore's Dark Cloud

2x64 Eeyore's Dark Cloud

  • 2010-01-03T06:30:00Z22m

Eeyore's Dark Cloud: Eeyore has always been a gloomy fellow and lately his gloominess has been such that a dark cloud has taken to following him around. Then, the cloud goes away and Eeyore calls the Super Sleuths to get it back. The Sleuths realize that the dark cloud has gone away because Eeyore cheered up by rolling in some clover, but Eeyore has become rather attached to his dark cloud and wants it back, even though it normally hovers only over those who are sad. The Super Sleuths thus begin a quest to find the dark cloud, but discover that it's hard to catch do to the ever-shifting moods of their friends.


2x65 Porcupine's Missing Flute

2x65 Porcupine's Missing Flute

  • 2010-01-03T06:30:00Z22m

Porcupine's Missing Flute: Porcupine is getting ready for an upcoming concert, but finds herself needing to make a quick trip to Heffalump Hollow, so she leaves her flute on the log where she was resting. When she gets back, she finds that the flute is gone, so she calls the Super Sleuths for help. The Super Sleuths set to uncovering the clues and are dismayed to find that the evidence seems to point to Turtle's having taken the flute. Sure that there's some explanation, they decide to seek him out, but he proves difficult to track down.

2x66 Darby's Picture Perfect Day

  • 2010-01-03T06:30:00Z22m

Darby's Picture Perfect Day: Darby's school has recently had a picture day and she decides that it would be fun for the Hundred Acre Wood to have one as well. Rabbit is the only one in the Wood who has and knows how to operate a camera, so he takes the picture, but is dismayed when he realizes that it doesn't include him. He calls for the help of the Super Sleuths, who quite agree that it's only fair that all of their friends should be featured in the photo. They think, think, think about how it would be possible to get a picture of all them together when somebody has to stand at the camera to take the picture.


2x67 Darby-Saurus

2x67 Darby-Saurus

  • 2010-07-03T05:30:00Z22m

Darby-Saurus: When Lumpy tells the Super Sleuths that he has lost his dinosaur, they become the Caveman Sleuths. Dressed up, they try acting prehistoric in the hopes of drawing out the dinosaur. When they have no success, they realize that they may be missing something important. They decide to ask Lumpy some more questions

2x68 Darby's Im-possum-ible Case

  • 2010-07-03T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Im-possum-ible Case: Piglet calls the Sleuths, disturbed by a strange new creature in the Hundred Acre Wood. The Sleuths discover it to be Possum, who seems to be very shy and apologizes for having apparently disturbed Piglet. But when Possum swings in again and snatches Piglet's scarf, everyone begins to think that there's something very odd going on.

Darby Gets Lemons, Makes Lemonade: Roo and Lumpy are playing "pooh-rates" and collecting doubloons for lemonade, until their lemonade gets knocked over. The Super Sleuths investigate, only to make a startling discovery. The discovery leads them to decide to help Roo and Lumpy make more lemonade, but first Darby has to overcome a crisis of confidence.


2x70 Dancing With Darby

2x70 Dancing With Darby

  • 2010-10-03T05:30:00Z22m

Dancing With Darby: When Turtle announces a dance party, Porcupine is panicked. Turtle wants her as his dancing partner, but she doesn't know how to dance. She calls on the Super Sleuths, hoping that they can teach her how to dance.


2x71 Tigger a Yo-Yo

2x71 Tigger a Yo-Yo

  • 2010-10-06T05:30:00Z22m

Tigger a Yo-Yo: The Sleuths need to get Tigger's lost yo-yo back in time for him to beat the yo-yo record!


2x72 Pooh Loses His Shirt

2x72 Pooh Loses His Shirt

  • 2010-10-06T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh Loses His Shirt: When Pooh's shirt goes missing, the Sleuths discover that Skunk has found it, but Pooh finds difficulty in asking for it back.


2x73 Pooh's Honey of a Problem

2x73 Pooh's Honey of a Problem

  • 2010-10-09T05:30:00Z22m

Pooh's Honey of a Problem: Pooh mistakes a jar of Rabbit's Sour Squash soup for honey!


2x74 Darby's Favorite Place

2x74 Darby's Favorite Place

  • 2010-10-09T05:30:00Z22m

Darby's Favorite Place: Tigger and Pooh realize that Darby doesn't have a special place of her own, so they set about making her a playhouse.
