• 3
  • 34
  • 26
  • 2003-01-05T15:00:00Z on Kids Station
  • 7m
  • 7m (1 episode)
  • Japan
  • English
Mr. Stain is a street-dwelling bum who has uncovered a twisted and bizarre world within Junk Alley, the back lot he calls home. Unexplainably, the trash that's piled throughout the garbage infested alley is coming to life. Now, with the help of an unpredictable feline and a group of extremely unusual friends, Stain digs himself into the most magical, hilarious, and sometimes disturbing adventures imaginable.

14 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Egg

Series Premiere

1x01 Egg

  • 2003-01-05T15:00:00Z7m

Mr. Stain finds a uniquely colored egg and decides to care for it. Palvan, on the other hand, wants to eat the egg and Stain is forced to violently fight him off.

1x02 Refrigerator

  • no air date7m

Palvan finds a refrigerator and keeps the possession to himself, preventing Stain and Rings from approaching it. But he cannot open the door and eventually teams up with Stain and Rings, beginning a series of disturbing attempts to open it.

1x03 Portrait

  • no air date7m

Stain finds a portrait of a beautiful woman and falls in love with it. Enthralled by the painting, he does not move, drink or eat anything. Palvan thinks that he has a perfect cure for Stain's condition, but the feline's good intentions have disastrous consequences.

1x04 Heavenly Bird

  • no air date7m

Stain stumbles upon an exotic bird with rainbow feathers and a gift to dance. He initially thinks of it as his next meal, but soon realises it is lonely and is about to die. As an act of kindness he replicates the bird's paradise island.

1x05 Magic Crayon

  • no air date7m

Stain discovers a box of crayons that appear normal, until they bring all that is drawn with them to life. Realizing the possibilities, Stain and Palvan start on a humorous adventure of drawing things into existence, but this quickly goes out of hand.

1x06 Cassette Tape

  • no air date7m

Stain and Palvan obtain a mystical cassette tape and use it, along with other spare junk to construct a robot. The robot's only desire is to dance to the tune of the tape and it uses Palvan and Stain as non-stop dancing partners. Unable to bear the dancing robot, the two must fix the situation before the robot discovers its ability to display anger.

1x07 Binoculars

  • no air date7m

Mr. Stain finds a pair of binoculars and looks from a distance to see Palvan's softer side. It turns out that the cat is secretly raising and nurturing a tiny kitten. Stain continues to observe this interesting event, when a new factor is introduced that could change Stain and Palvan's future.

1x08 Toy Robot

  • no air date7m

Mr. Stain finds a remote-controlled robot, that refuses to obey the remote. When Stain tries to figure out the robot's reason for rebelling he discovers that the robot is tired of being ordered around and wants to be free like a bird. Stain offers his help with catastrophic results.

1x09 Woolen Yarn

  • no air date7m

Mr. Stain picks up a thread of wool that was once knitted into a magical mitten which came to life and helped a lost girl find her way out of Junk alley.

1x10 Seed

  • no air date7m

Stain plants a seed which rapidly grows into a beautiful flower. At night he fantasizes about it becoming a beautiful woman and dancing with her.

1x11 Clay

  • no air date7m

Stain comes across some clay and fashions it into a face of himself, which acts with a mind of its own and takes over Palvan to form a living replica of Mr. Stain.

1x12 Fishing Rod

  • no air date7m

Mr. Stain and Palvan find a fishing rod, decide to go fishing in the alley's fountain, and end up catching a big fish. After they eat the fish, Stain discovers the babies of the fish yearning for their mother. Stain takes pity on the fish and decides to raise them with outlandish results.

1x13 Human

  • no air date7m

Mr. Stain finds an abandoned baby in Junk-Alley's garbage dump. In order to feed the baby he decides to steal milk and a baby bottle, which incites a police officer to come after him. Refusing to bend to the law, Stain faces dire consequences and sets off a series of twists that lead to a struggle between life and death.

1x14 Harmonica

  • no air date7m

Stain, while playing his harmonica, sees a beautiful woman across the alley and immediately falls in love with her. However, a twisted set of events begin to unfold that forces Stain to compete for her attention with his alter ego, Handsome Stain.
