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Moral Orel: Season 2

2x07 Pleasure

6.5/10. A tough one to rank, and pretty dark even by Moral Orel standards. The initial point that pleasure is bad, which results in Orel not doing any of the usual good deeds or other bits of good behavior that he takes pleasure in is pretty shallow commentary to be honest, and it barely words as text rather than thinly-veiled subtext either. Then, the montage or Orel hurting himself every time he did something pleasurable was pretty off-putting. I did appreciate the twist that the whole experience had mixed up pleasure and pain so much in his brain that he stumbled into S&M and even Dad's punishments straddled that line. But overall, this is one where the idea behind it is interesting, but the execution is a little too unpleasant and not particularly incisive about the topic for the episode to really click.

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