5.8/10. If I have a problem with this show, it's that often times the satire starts out (and occasionally ends up) a little thin. The whole "religiously retarded" bit, with Tommy being called a dummy for daring to question Reverend Putty's "science lessons" was really on the nose, without anything especially clever to it beyond the "hah! religious people are dumb for treating not religious people as dumb!" angle.

But things picked up in the second half of the episode. Clay's lesson about the "lord works in mysterious ways" proverb was much sharper and had more of a real edge to it. Plus, Orel stopping his classmates from beating up Tommy and the special ed kids with a well-meaning but completely patronizing and ill-founded speech was a much more damning form of satirization, especially with the reciprocal "poor kid" comments. So all-in-all this one balances out to a rating just below "fair."

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