The part where Phil scared himself in the mirror is hilarious!!

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The part where Phil scared himself in the mirror is hilarious!!

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Does any one find Phill spending 11 months 2 weeks and 3 days planning on scaring Claire the most romantic gesture!!????

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hahahahaha. Classic Phil . Claire and Phil have the best dynamic.

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Phil is the best not bad but no real halloween .... :(

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still enjoyable, but definitely not the best Halloween episode from Modern Family!

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Claire and Phil’s dynamic is the best!!!

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Not bad episode but it was completely least for me. Why does Lily have minimal speaking part. And Gloria’s accent was good 11 years a go when the snow first started but now it’s like did you not Lear how to speak English living in America. I don’t know maybe they need to put an end to this show.

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the psycho reference wowww so cool. also made me remember another great tv show, bates motel.

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