Definitely one of my favorite episodes. Everything was so, so well written. That's what I love modern family for

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Best episode of the season!

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Still crisp hes close.......... good joke .............. not

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worse with every episode so sad
............................. .............

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It took me a few minutes to remember Stephen but then I was like omg that’s Higgins from Vegas!!!!

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The concierge was also the concierge of that hotel episode, where He accidentally caught Phil and the female dog butler in the room. No wonder Phil said he looked so familiar!

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Yeah, that was a bit rubbish. We’re supposed to think it was great because it is famous guest stars but no real story ? Hmmmmm.

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Ridiculous episode. This is so dated and done before, felt like a filler episode. Only positive thing was Stephen Marchant.

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The sort of farce that Modern Family's ensemble does so well. Glad to see an episode like this in the final stretch.

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great to see Stephen Marchant in this episode

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