That last scene was brutal and super gory. Hard to believe this is a marvel show.

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There are no words for this episode...home...jesus.

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Insane. Amazing. Fantastic. I don't know what else to say. This episode was perfect.

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"God damn, Frankie. I love to watch you work."

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Fuck! Shit! The most brutal thing I've seen for a long time! Got me grinning really bad. At the same time I loved it. Oh, how revenge is sweet thing.

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Did HBO (Game of Thrones) put some copyrights on that eyes destruction scene ? Just sayin'.

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What a punishing episode! Sorry not sorry, because that’s the only way to describe the brutal penultimate installment of the season

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this is one of the single best episodes that i’ve ever seen in a programme, fucking beautiful man

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(9.6/10) - This was an absolute rollercoaster of an episode from start to finish. The blood, grit and gore was perfectly encapsulated in a tense and horrific display of the power of ‘The Punisher’. When Frank was practically scooping out Rawlins’ eyes, I really didn’t recognise this as a Marvel show! EPIC!


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this episode wow im so glad that Nick got to reunite with his family and got to actually save them with the help of Dinah and Homeland security but damn it Billy really how dare you capture Frank and then Rawlins doing that to him over and over again. That ending though was so bloody and this is a marvel show i was like traumatized but glad that Frank got out his revenge but Frank is he going to live of course cause he is the Punisher

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God damn! What a beautiful amazing episode.

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This episode gave me a mindgasm!!!!!
"God damn Frankie, I love to watch you work."

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i am in love with that episode wow

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Shout by j_pereira8

Madani finally interrogates Frank and David. Billy sets up an exchange for Frank and David to let Sarah and her son go free and they learn David is still alive. When the meet goes sideways after Homeland Security shows up, David is forced to fake his death again to save his family. Billy and Rawlins take Frank back to David's hideout and torture him and unknowing that there are cameras being used to collect evidence for crimes against them. Frank struggling to stay alive comes to terms with his family's death and realizes what he must do next. He manages to kill Rawlins just before Madani and her team arrive leaving Billy armed and on the run. Another bloody and violent episode makes it hard to believe this is a Marvel series.

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this episodie was fucking amazing!!!!

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"God damn Frankie, I love to watch you work."

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Last scene was really making this an adult tv show. Just to increase blood they made so fake blood that he was sitting and bleeding on floor but it should be chair seat. That was fun part trying make it more bloody than it was in real.

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Brutal kill they gave us so nice :)

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Shout by Mani D

That was an amazing episode. Like really. I'm impressed with how they brought out emotion in the torture. And how they showed his relationship with war using his wife. All the while carrying the story on with Lieberman and how even though he has what he wants, he came back for Frank. What is home to a soldier? While I didn't like the answer for Frank, it's the answer that suits his character and there's nothing I can do to change it.

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How is this possible? Frank making me cry for him. :'(

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Shout by Deleted

That was fucking sick. Best Marvel installment ever.

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Well ANVIL’s track record is going a bit downhill these last episodes

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The final part begins, go for them Frank

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Shout by Ivan

Is that Micro's death a reference to second movie about the Punisher?

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