i have waited so so long, for years since i read the comics, for this episode to happen. gert and chase finally getting together. karolina making the move on nico. THE LEAPFROG!

just a bit mad that the name runaways comes from the sacrifices and not because, you know... they run away.

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Suddenly everything came to a head this episode! Which makes you wonder how it can escalate even further. We have the pay off to the build up of Chase x Gert and Nico x Karolina and it ended with the kids facing off with their parents! So much in one ep!

Looks like they're side stepping Mollie being a mutant and having it be related to the rocks? Understandable with sketchy ownership rights and not having to explain the further universe. Still all works pretty well. This felt like a mid season break or something. Can't wait for next week!

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Another great episode. Karolina kissing Nico and looking so happy afterwards was really cute.

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Quite a few revelations and what a cliffhanger at the end.

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Shout by Jim G.

A good outing, but one where the writer(s) seemed to have been given an order to make those two relationship moments happen. Because they didn't seem to be integral to any story line(s) and certainly weren't presented in any sort of "organic" way. Instead, they just seemed to be soap for the sake of soap, added in at the last minute as an afterthought. And really, while opposites can attract, Chase and Gert just push the whole suspension-of-disbelief thing to its limits for me. The rest of the episode, though, did a great job of keeping things moving along on both the parents and kids fronts, although it bothered me that Alex was the only one unwilling to instantly forgive Chase for what he did at the end of the last episode. Actions like that need to have consequences that don't get written off moments after they happen.

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