How cute was Karolina smiling at Nico right before kissing her? What a great first season, I love this show.

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Something very boring with this show but i can't exactly define what it is. It's been 10 episodes and nothing really happened yet.

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A solid season one finale that ends with the kids literally on the run and the parents siding with their missing kids against Jonah. Which probably won't endear anyone to Jonah anytime soon. I'm glad to know that there will be another season of this one and I'm looking forward to it already.

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a very good episode of the show with a couple of unexpected twists.

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So happy with the direction of the show. Was so worried about this adaptation but the changes from the comics make sense and the twist and turns keep coming. Can't wait to see what next season brings.

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The heat is on! This show keeps getting better and better. I'm now also reading the comics on Marvel Unlimited.

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My biggest gripe about the finale is that we don't get the satisfaction of finding out WHY the Pride did all of this. In some ways I appreciate that the show gives us more background on the Pride, but I also think that the comic was smart in that you know fairly quickly who the Gibborim are and why the Pride set their plan into motion. I'm still looking forward to the second season but I do hope they adjust the pacing a little.

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This show is just a massive ad for Lyft and Volvo. It's kinda entertaining but Gert annoys the crap out of me.

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