Did we just see the proto-beginning of Heroes for Hire?

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Finally she got the arm.I really liked those flashbacks.

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This is my favorite episode of luke cage, simply cause foggy is in it and i love foggy

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Luke : I'm good. Besides, it's, uh, a little early.
Piranha : Well, it's ten o'clock somewhere in the world. Why not start early?

Haha ! I never saw it that way...

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"Only" has taken 5 episodes that she got the arm

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Luke is hit with a lawsuit from Cockroach for assault and Foggy Nelson serves as Luke's lawyer (which is awesome!) Luke works for Piranha, a superfan of his, to get enough money to settle the lawsuit. Misty gets her robotic arm and slowly gets used to having it. There are flashbacks of Misty with her former partner that give her perspective on how she can do her job. Mariah attempts to persuade her daughter to work for her but it means Mariah can't keep anything from her.

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This episode, things really get going... Flashbacks, hero for hire....

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well well well.. this season as much as Jessica Jones is getting booooring.. 13 episodes and this is just the fifth.. don't know what to say..

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Foggy made this episode a 7. But my God. So slow, so boring till now.

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I usually don’t rate episodes individually but felt the need, this is such a standout episode. Really liking season 2 and if it’s able to stick it’s landing I think it’ll actually be at the very least more consistent that the first.

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This was a pretty good episode. A bunch going on, and none of it dragged.

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i'm piranha bitch! [piranha screams]

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The parts with Misty are interesting, but the rest really doesn't appeal to me. Hmm...

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