Uhh….Misty...you forgot your groceries. This episode is soooooo slow and I still dislike almost every character in this show. He dabbed??? When was this written 5 years ago? Wow that Bushmaster fight scene was really terrible.

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Absolutely loved the directing in this episode, I didn't even know Lucy Liu was also a director! The pacing was better than the entire season 1 put together. Promising start, but I see she didn't direct any other one of the episodes.. So we'll see. I hope Claire sticks around but she's listed as a guest star, so who knows.

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These faux Jamaicans are an affront to real Jamaicans everywhere. Is Netflix really saying they couldn't find one anywhere to play the role?

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not a great start but I feel like there is potential.

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All strut, no substance.
(Pfft, dont need no 5 words ta dis this show playa.)

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Mariah sucking Shade’s thumb was gross AF! And who can afford to drop an entire bag of groceries and then not go back to pick them up?

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The effects of Luke's fame are funny. But most of his lines are cringy. The blowing up truck scene was pretty cool though.

I'll assume the story with his father won't stop with this encounter. Too bad. It was perfect and there's nothing to gain in making it a subplot. What a voice though !

Still not a fan of Mariah as an antagonist. But maybe she won't be there long ?

Bushmaster's the new villain. The knife across the eyes thing was hardcore. Too bad it's immediately wasted by making him roll around 3 times. Not only is this ridiculous, but how would that make sense facing guns. And I get that making him bullet proof like Luke can be interesting for the lore or the comparison. But that makes him an interesting opponent for Frank Castle, and a very boring one for Luke Cage.

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On second viewing, some of the dialogue is a bit weak/clichéd, but I'm not sure what the other comments mean by saying it starts slow - as with most of these Marvel-Netflix shows, there's actually a lot happening in each episode, and this one immediately sets up numerous plot threads.

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This was a good first episode, but Luke got a bit too arrogant for my taste. I hope this season gets better.

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Bushmaster's fight scene was good. Especially the part with the knife
Mariah and Shades relationship looks so gross.They should've casted someone who looks a little bit younger than Alfre Woodard [Mariah].
And why the hell did he Dab?It looked so dumb.Don't they watch it again after shooting the whole season.

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"It's like Waze, for you."

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The start of Luke Cage S2 doesn't skip a beat following the events from S1 and The Defenders. Bringing us back into Harlem, Luke has become the public hero and is still fighting crime to clean the city of all evil. Oh, and he's making time for "coffee" with Claire as well. Meanwhile, Mariah and Shades are working closely together to team up with other investors to make more money than they can even imagine. The emergence of a new villan called Bushmaster shows he isn't the only bulletproof man in the city now.

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