Raise your hand if you think Foggy is overreacting way too much. Maybe listen to all the facts and what Matt is trying to say before being judgmental and angry and yelling nonstop. Not mention he doesn't have or understand Matt's abilities and there's no telling what he'd do if situations were reversed. I bet it gets kinda tiring and hard knowing bad shit is going down and not doing anything about it.

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The Froggy part was...kinda too much. If u skip it the episode is a 8 if u see it its a 6 or 7.

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Matt could use his eyes 'till he was 9 years old. The movie Top Gun was released in 1986. ;)

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nelson and murdock, best damn avocados :sob:

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParent2021-10-19T19:25:37Z— updated 2024-01-25T16:18:00Z

The best part of this episode were the flashbacks of Matt and Foggy in college, they were just so authentic and fun! The tow of them have really good chemistry with each other.

Everyone saying Foggy is overreacting and yes maybe he is a little but I do think it makes sense from his perspective: I mean he just found his blind best friend half-dead in his apartment - he realizes that he is this vigilante he despises, the one who is being accused of all these terrible things. He knew Matt as a person who always wants to solve things the right way, the lawful way, but now he is doing the complete opposite of this. Foggy is probably questioning everything he knew about Matt and if he was lying about so much stuff in the past, who says he can trust him now? I'm on Matt's side but I can't blame Foggy for lashing out at him, especially considering the awful time he just went through.

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The time has come earlier than expected for Nelson and Murdock What will they do now? This continues to improve

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Now this is where the drama part of the show kicks in. The real test is how much of a friend he is now that he knows the truths.
I also wonder who Fisk's new enemy is; could it be.. Elektra?! and probably to get revenge on the death of the old lady which I assume could be a relative.

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Drops of Lucifer :3 .

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this was the worst episode of the series. I would highly recommend to skip this episode or at least the part where Froggy flames like a girl

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really Foggy like why are you acting like that i get you want to know the truth but to really walk out on Matt and then saying that what he is doing is the wrong thing like are you kidding me right now he is a hero. HE hasnt killed anyone so why are your panties in a bunch then poor Vanessa got poisoned like who wants to hurt Wilson Fisk so badly and was it Madame Gao or someone else entirely plus Karen and Ben talking to Fisk mom what are the chances of that happening

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