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Maniac: Season 1

1x05 Exactly Like You

As Ollie said, "Finally, something that makes sense."

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I think that I can safely say this episode was exceptional...!
I enjoyed every single minute of it, I wished for it to be longer though.

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"Why is it so tiny?" "People were a lot smaller back then."

I like the cross-references to other works which are interwoven into the, well, "narrative" of this series. I still can't make sense of where this is going, but I can get truly lost on the way, thereby following the steps of the two protagonists. It's kind of clever when I think about it.

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Not only does Robert have a very nice hat, he also got the moves!

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This episode totally disrupted the already thin narrative. Totally out of context and lost me.

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«1615, Cervantes writes the final chapter to his masterpiece. So powerful.. that anyone who reads it is lost in their own fantasies... forever. He shows it to a friend, who slips into a coma. Same with a neighbor, never comes out. They live in their own dream worlds until they die. Cervantes [...] said being lost like that was a fate worse than death».

«Nel 1615 Cervantes scrisse l’ultimo capitolo della sua opera. Così potente, che chiunque lo legge si smarrisce nell’immaginazione... per sempre. Lo mostrò a un amico che cadde in coma. Così come un vicino. E non si svegliarono. Vissero in un sogno fino alla fine dei loro giorni».

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«Arlie is like my mother. She could charm anyone, she would make deals with people. She would say thing to me like, “This is just between you and me, Annie. You’re the only one who understands”. That’s how she would get you. And then she knew that you gave a shit, and so your guard was down, and she would gut you. Okay? How’s that? [...] Ours [between me and my sister] was a pact. I took care of her when we were little and she took care of me when we grew up».

«Arlie è come mia madre. Riesce ad affascinare chiunque. Offre degli accordi per trarne profitto. Spesso veniva e mi diceva: “Questo resterà tra me e te Annie. Sei l’unica che può capire”. È così che ti convince. E quando ha ottenuto ciò che vuole e sa che hai abbassato la guardia ti frega, ok? [...] [Tra me e mia sorella] era un patto. Io badavo a lei da piccola e lei badava a me da grande».

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  • A con artist is a liar. Why are you a liar?
  • She... I think people lie because they’re afraid, and she was afraid, and she didn’t want anyone to see that.

- I truffatori sono bugiardi? Perché sei una bugiarda?
- Lei era... Io credo che le persone mentano per paura, lei aveva paura e non voleva farlo a vedere.

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Boring episode with the exception of the interrogation scene

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Just crazy, pure craziness. Still watching though.

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