I've heard so much about this show for years and finally trying it.

Clearly, all other characters pale in comparison to Luther and Alice. Is it due to the characters or to Elba and Wilson being too good ? We'll see.

I have already have enough of the futur ex-wife and the useless drama. Was hoping she'd get killed in the middle of this episode.

Alice would have been an interesting character for an episode, but it looks like that will be the story for the whole season ? Not sure that holds on.

Wait and see.

But, given it's a murder investigation, nobody noticed the gun parts in the dog's ashes ?? Really ?

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She couldn't be a physicist, her apartment was too clean and organized. :)

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Not alltogether bad but watching it almost 10 years after it aired you instantly get the feeling this is one of this (now) overused story arcs of a cat and mouse game between a cop and a genius killer who will always get away in an unexpected twist until the final episode where she makes a stupid mistake.
The whole setup is very generic, the characters are clichèd (cop with marriage issues, child prodigy killing her parents) , and I am already tired of the sexual angle. Plus there is an awful logic issue: why did no one in the crematorium find the gun parts ? If you want to be recognized as an intelligent drama don't make such mistakes.

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