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Lupin 2021

good show, i just see season 2 add

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One of my favorite shows of all time. Omar is a very likable actor to begin with. Playing this character, you have to fall in love with him. The rest of the cast is also amazing, and they work great together; casting did a great job. It's a wonderful story with an unexpected sad end (end of season 2 so far). I highly recommend this show. people will probably overlook it because it's not originally English. But even with the dubbing, it's a great show.

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Season 3 is still missing although it released in 2023

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Pretty incredible show. Reminds me a lot of Sherlock Holmes. Highly recommended.

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Very enjoyable and quite unexpected too. Hopefully season 2 will come sooner!

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Thoroughly enjoyable and full of charm.

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Instead of a tribute to Arsène Lupin, the writers seem have chosen an anti-hero that epitomises the terms 'Arse' and 'Asinine', in equal measure. Should have been called 'Arse-inine Lupin' (pun intended). The plot is decent because it has largely been borrowed from Leblanc's books; but the writing, where they don't even attempt to come up with something creative, is less than impressive.

Assane makes ridiculous avoidable mistakes throughout and is thickheaded enough to not realise the ways of his errors. He continuously puts his friends and family in danger; makes ridiculous and silly mistakes bordering on stupidity, is the arse that didn't listen to his dad when he was alive, doesn't listen to his wife or son, doesn't listen to his friend, puts the journalist in mortal danger.

The french cops as they have been depicted, are comical, corrupt and confused... despite the so called hero proving himself to be an idiot most of the times, they seem more brainless, to not be able to solve crimes or problems. If this is what France advertises their cops as then my heart goes out to them.

Chalk this one out for social media hype rather than any real substance.

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Absolutely stunning. IT IS A MUST MUST WATCH!

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Great acting, remarkable writing, unexpected events… you all have it here folks!

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I have a good feeling about this one!

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Omar Sy is such a charismatic dude/actor. Could watch that guy just talk about anything. He really makes this show great.

The story is kinda predictable and full of plotholes but it's done really well and very entertaining. Especially as it's only 5 episodes.

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Great show, very compelling and you can't take your eyes off it for the whole 5 episodes.

A bit sad about the plot hole in the 4th episode though, that shouldn't have happened.

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Part 2 is only a shadow part 1. Disappointed.

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A lot of things don't make sense, but it's still entertaining

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its ok but a bit boring

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Overall it's enjoyable and just plain fun. However the story is pretty predictable, the script is actual dog sh*t and the acting is cringy and fake and overdone. When the characters talk to each other, it feelsunnatural and scripted. Other than that Omar Sy is great as Assane and his performance is truly what carries the show.

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Definitely a fun series, but there's WAY too much opinion inside this.

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Season 2 is out. not updated here.

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A fun watch, bit like money heist meets Sherlock Holmes.
There were quite a few times when the explanations behind Lupin’s plans are a bit far fetched.
The first season ends abruptly but I think this may be covid related.

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likeable actors, but the story has a high number of logic flaws, which drag down the quality of the series

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If you are willing to suspend your disbelief, you will enjoy this very entertaining show. Except that last episode. That was sloppy.

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Pretty mediocre. Story is not that bad, has some interesting stuff but also some parts which are kinda weird and unbelievable. However the camerawork, editing, music and sound design and dialogues are sub par. Enjoyable for a quick watch but nothing more.

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It's okay to watch, but nothing special.
Tries to be the Sherlock series and fails. Predictable, most actors are mediocre, dialogs are often poorly written, characters make stupid choices and one plot hole bigger than the other.
For the german watchers: besseres Tatort Niveau
Maybe as a Lupin fan it might be more interesting. It seems like they try to recreate many situations from the books.

A policeman who sees a kidnapping of a teenager and kinda doesn't care, until it's Lupins kid. WTF?
The big “WTF, how fucking stupid are you?” in e04.

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[Netflix] Lupin without Lupin. An entertaining series that is based on a character whose modern version would have been interesting to discover. Instead, we have an Arsène Lupine impersonator (proper Omar Sy) who is, however, a more tormented character, with less spark than the original. The proposal is entertaining, although not very ingenious in the way of developing the story (entering the jail, the disguise ...). It achieves part of its goal, but more creative effort would have been interesting.

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Maybe it's because I'm watching it dubbed in English, but I absolutely hate the show. Reminds me of White Collar, but that show I actually enjoyed watching, can't say the same about this one. Some moments are just plain stupid.

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Even if you stop to think, you will noticed how bad written this show Is. Too many plotholes, It seems lupin Is a John stu. Skip it.

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It sounds good. But the first episode was too much to take in.

Racism/having to see a black man hanged./

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I gave the first season an 8/10 for some reason... I must have enjoyed it.

Season 2 is deplorable - I thought I'd written it because I knew exactly what was happening before it actually happened!!
I watched the first 2 episodes and that was painful enough - no more!!
I can only surmise the writing/directing went off the rails between season 1 and 2, or I was drunk throughout season 1.
I'm re-adjusting my number to 1/10

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why isn't part 3 / season 3 on here?

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Can someone please correct the listing? This should be 3 seasons

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Shout by Trevskie

Bloody Netflix! Superb series ending on a cliffhanger, and now they make us wait for part 2! I Hate Netflix! Best thing on it for ages, imho, they give you the full season of rubbish shows, then split this! Fuming!

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Painful. For how popular this show is, it is an extremely cheesy and poorly produced thief/sleuth show.

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This is worth a watch , roll on season 2 !

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@Trakt 2nd season out now on Netflix!

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The first episode was entertaining, the protagonist emotionally relates to the events of the plot. But the show didn't leave me wanting to continue watching it, there is nothing at stake, there is no cliffhanger and no interesting twist other than the robbery that the protagonist carries out at the end, something I saw coming two blocks away.

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Season 1 must have 5 episodes.
Season 2 must have 5 episodes too.
Missing season 3.
Please review that! Thank you!

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Great TV movies, please add seasons 2

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A modern spin on an old favorite. Easily one of the better shows to pop up on Netflix. There are a few moments here and there that feel off or not as fleshed out but if you enjoy Sherlock or similar shows, I think you'll also enjoy this. I loved the casting too. As a side note, the original audio is in French but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the English dub is actually really good. They didn't just translate as is. Either the subtitles are just way off a lot of the time or they took the time to change lines to suit the language and slang. Or maybe it really was a direct translation. My French isn't good enough to know for sure. lol

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