Ohh this one was awesome. The whole Chloe Maze thing. The whole Ella thing. Just great. And the ignorant Lucifer that I love. Linda's role was better this episode than the first, although a slightly shorter part in the episode. Dan screwing things up as usual. Overall, great episode.

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I can really see why Dan and Carol were mates. They are so similar.

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This was one of those episodes where Lucifer's shtick felt tiring. Inserting himself into someone's personal life without being asked after misinterpreting a piece of advice from Linda was super annoying and something we've seen a million times before. He's grown so much in many areas over the seasons, but all that character development seems to go out the window in moments like these. Not a fan.

That being said, Ella's Carol conundrum was not bad. Her "Pete-SD" made sense. Breaking into the poor guy's place was kinda overkill, but the realization that he's a recovering alcoholic and their conversation about it were solid writing.

Chloe with super strength is super hot and I like the idea that she doesn't quite know what to do with herself after quitting the force. Her scenes with both Ella and Maze were a lot of fun.

Lucifer's emo sister looked really familiar and it's none other than Negasonic Teenage Warhead herself. Great casting. She pulls off the look and the vibe effortlessly.

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I've found that the only way I can enjoy Lucifer's continued arrogance and selfishness (which honestly I know has been ongoing since Season 1 but has seemed much worse in recent seasons, or is it just that 5+ seasons of it is too much?) is to just accept it as Lucifer's norm — that he's never going to change and was the main reason he was so entertaining in the first season or two — and laugh at it. Otherwise... it just gets really annoying.

His scene in Linda's office highlighted this and this might have been the first time in a while I actually laughed at something Lucifer said. My god, he never listens, so I was honestly surprised when he caught on that Carol was talking about Ella.

And yass, Bob and Katya! LOL I enjoyed Bob and Luci's performance more than last season's musical episode. Katya should have danced!! (I've been watching too many interrogation psychoanalysis videos on YT though because my first thought when Bob when on his monologue was 'he'd look so guilty if this was really life' LOL.)

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Better than the last episode but still hard to get through.

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Katya!!!! And Bob the drag queen like omg this episode was pretty iconic. I’m glad they show lucifer is fully involved with queer culture it’s so nice to see :heart:

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Maze REALLY needs to invest in a fighting gym

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Did they really just do a 10-second infodump on why Lucifer is invulnerable? Lazy writing.

"You're excused." I already don't like this character. Just a copy and paste of every edgy, rebellious, bad girl who can kick butt in every show ever.

How many cases have we had now where the killer thought their lover was cheating but it turned out to be a misunderstanding? It's gotten very old.

Why is Chloe acting like she has nothing to do? She has a child who is grieving the loss of her father. The same child she hasn't seen for 6 weeks while on vacation with Lucifer...


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No way, that cliffhanger is epic

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Finally, a Jackie Chan reference!

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I am so disappointed I don't even care about listing things. For what it's worth 5th season felt more like a final season than this. This could be just yet another season of Lucifer.

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"So, how's it hanging, big guy? Oh."

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