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Loki: Season 2

2x03 1893

I forgot how great Sylvie actually is. I think I kinda conflated her with the badness of the Loki/Sylvie relationship, but like this episode really reminded me how cool she is as an individual
Also I do hate miss minutes bc of how evil she is, but it was very funny seeing her annoyed and jealous facial expressions in the background

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Did we really need that moment with Miss Minutes? Really awkward scene.

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Wow this episode was amazing

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there was definitely a variant that fucked that clock

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A horny cartoon A.I.
Now I've seen it all.

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As with Quantumania,Kang's appearance here does nothing to make the character more compelling. Majors is a great actor, but his performance here was just so weird and off-putting.

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I fear no man. But that thing... picture of Miss Minutes scares me!

I don't know what the best part of this episode was. The jaunty Marvel Studios theme, the set design, or Jonathan Majors' ability to become a completely different person. He Who Performs.

It took less than a minute to realize that Minutes was Kang's "kid" who wanted him all to herself, but boy oh boy is she so much more messed up than that. So much so that it made Renslayer seem like a reasonable person during most of this caper.

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The first half was a really fun take on Back to the Future 3. But then they went back to all the mumbo jumbo...

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Jonathan Majors is on another level... it's a shame that these might be the last times we see him on screen (big or small).
What a wonderful episode, a fascinating and whirlwind journey through time.

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Not sure why y’all rating it so low. Do you not get what you’re in for? If you want it to be something else, it ain’t gonna. I enjoy it for what it is.

Call me a sucker for Ferris wheels :ferris_wheel: and stuttering savants, but I like it. For what it is. And for not hearing “wow” from that guy every time ;)

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Boring. Convoluted. Aimless. Could be beyond saving very soon.

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Lol this gets boring and boring with every episode. What did we learn with this episode about everything in mcu and loki overall? Thor wasn't that tall??? Seriously? At least with season one, there was mystery, suspense. With this season, it's just plain boring.

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I'm confused as to what's going on and a bit bored, but I did love them visiting the 19th century!

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starting to get rotten. fingers crossed for the second half.

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This show is making Marvel fun for me again.

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Still not sure where I sit on this season. Also haven't come around to Sylvie yet. Episode was missing a huge amount of Casey and OB.

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Timley's speech and mannerism is annoying.

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This season really feels like a high-budget Benson & Moorhead project; I'm enjoying their convolutedness-with-a-light-touch of it all (especially when coupled with MCU's best special effects and production design in quite a while), but like their films I'm curious if they can stick the landing here.

And lmao at Miss Minutes being down (villainously) bad.

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Did they make Kang as a black Nikola Tesla?

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Honestly, nearly fell to sleep during this.

I really don't care about any of the characters except Loki. And that's becoming an ever thinning reason to deal with these convoluted plotthreads where you need a cheat-sheet just to keep up.

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Mbatha-Raw rocked this, sadly the rest of the episode couldn't keep up.

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this episode couldn’t exist and everything would still be fine, that’s how bad this was.

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this hodgepodge of a tv show! sigh

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Shout by DAVY X

So Good
Well still no idea
who to really root far,
This started off a great
time piece period episode
that got weirder and
Weirder as it went on
Then in that final act
Miss Minutes took it
to a hole other level,
Sinister and Creepy
AF. definitely does not
need a body,
Good lord no.
(how did that phyco
have sex if I'm understanding
that correctly, like I said
weird very very weird).
Didn't like the
Rovanna Macguffin
at the end, I mean
I would you do that
to her especially leaving
her with Miss Minutes
(What could go wrong),
Just take her out and
be done with it.
Jonathan Majors
Knocked it out the
ball park with his
performance, I just hope
this is not the last time
that we see him in
The MCU.

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The writing is so bad this is a colossal waste of everything else like the pretty art direction and the soundtrack. There's an interesting character study deeply buried in this somewhere, but very deeply buried. It sometimes emerges in things like that scene about thor.

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Don't call Loki a loser!:joy:

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Wow. Only 6 minutes and 50 seconds of end credits. Last episode was about 8 minutes.

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I hope they know where they're going. Link to post-credits Antman 3

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the writing in this show is so goddamn stupid. which would be fine… if it was at least riveting to watch

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Miss minutes is the creepiest thing ever.

Beginning to suspect Rensfield is a Variant, too. Not of Loki.

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I really feels like characters are just letting the plot go thru them, and the curious thing is that there is actually little plot. So... yea.

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Ok this was realllyyy good. The first two episodes felt kinda weird to me, the direction, acting, dialogue, everything was kinda weird and off putting. But this one felt like it had some actual direction. Again, this was fun.

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the usual unfunny Marvel comedy that just borders on slapstick and a very cringe cartoon clock

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