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Loki: Season 2

2x02 Breaking Brad

The dialogue feels like it's talking in circles a bit much, but damn does this show still know how to craft a whimsically weird scene, and I'm still excited to see what this is building into.

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Better than last week, loved the 70s setting, not as amazing as the first season just yet.

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Is anyone else just confused by this? I feel I have no idea what’s going on

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watching this I was sure I just skipped at least 3 episodes, everything is so confusing

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So did they just retcon this X-5 guy into existence or something? Seems like everybody knows him already.

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Loki: so how should I approach Sylvie, the woman I have feelings for and just tortured a guy to find
Also Loki: ah yes, showing up in full TVA gear with a prisoner in a jumpsuit like the one she was forced to wear as a child and immediately yammering about the TVA and how I saw her there in the future even though I know full well it's the organization that ruined her life and she hates it deeply will surely do the trick. it's not like it's gonna set a totally wrong tone for this reunion I've been laser focused on since the moment she pushed me through the time door. 10/10 zero flaws in that plan.

Bro really needs to get some game QUICK like I understand he's never been in love before but what the hell was that :sneezing_face:

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I couldn’t stop staring at the key lime pies.

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"Let's just get this to go, it packs right up"

Barf, how desperate were they for money, that they literally wrote ads, not just visually all over the place, but right into the dialogue.

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so boring I'm not sure I'm gonna finish this episode! what a mess.

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at this point, the show seems to be going nowhere, episode 2 can be summed up thus, a lot happens but nothing happens. can we get to the point already instead of all this running around that achieves nothing?

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E2 is a little slow tempo, but I do really liked it as the color and composition there. Also the performance from Ke Huy Quan is such good, I like this character

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Mixed feelings. One one hand I love the cinematography on display in some sequences, also really love some of the set design and props. But my god this is all just so boring. Maybe I'm just too mentally checked out of the MCU at this point to really enjoy it.

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"Those were lives?"
Like we are supposed to care with this mediocre writing?

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The character stuff has shades of interestingness but the plot sequence is terrible, nonsensical and writing a comment as to specifically why feels like even more of a waste

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After years pruning branches and killing gazillions people, suddenly that X whatever is her name lady is REALLY horrified of branches being erased with, gasp, people living on them!
I joked on my comment on last episode that the show felt like they hired new writers that never watched one episode of the last season, bit it turns out this season is REALLY being written by a new writing team LOL. Man, they REALLY needed to at least take a glimpse at the scripts from last season. It'sb becoming beyond ridiculous at this point.
Also the McDonald's ads were really up in our noses this time. I was surprised Sylvie didn't have a dialogue line about her new life saying she was lovin' it!

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Better than the first episode. I liked Loki using his magic, to be honest. But he seems very docile right now. Why exactly is he working with Mobius? Let's remember that this is the Loki right after "The Avengers", not the one who came to terms with his past. I also liked that Sylvie doesn't take over like she did in the first season.

However, my liking this episode because it was a bit more straight-forward doesn't change the fact that the main plot remains convoluted and outright confusing.

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So Good
Not got a clue what's
going on but I'm here for it.
Great seeing our Loki
flexing the magic again,
new stuff for us to see
as well.
Sylvie was annoying
AF this episode acting
like all this isn't her fault
then putting all that blame
elsewhere just takes the
piss. She Was acting like
a proper brat.
The Marvels
did the hole destruction
of people on planets so
much better and made
me actually care and
feel genuine sorrow.
I felt nothing in this episode
watching a bunch of
retracting lines on
a monitor screen.
That being said this
is definitely feeling a
much stronger season
than number 1 and I'm
very keen on what's to
come next.

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This episode felt like watching a season finally that I hadn’t seen any of the episodes leading up to.

It wanted me to care without building any reasons for me to. It also wanted to make sense without any of the character development or script writing to make it do so.

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I've been enjoying this season quite a bit, and it's due largely to Mobius and OB.

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Love it when you pick up a show again after two years and you have to remember who the hell the minor characters that you barely saw never existed in the first season.

Soft episode. Looking for Brad to look for Sylvie. Looking for Renslayer on the side. Only to find incidently that the one they should have looked for was Dox.

The complete reset thing is a bit weird. On one side we were shown at the end of season 1 that all the sudden branching was catastrophic. Turns out even a small faction inside the TVA has the means to simultaneously take care of it. At the same time, they're presented as genocidal villains but this is literally what all of them have been doing for years. Centuries ? Millennia ?

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I looooove that Loki can use his magic now :sob: spot on indeed

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Shout by JasperKazai

Man, why don't they always just use that hold hands green fart explosion move? Seems very handy.

And yeah the McDonald's shilling is pretty ridiculous. Although the fact that the show was delayed and threw off the timing of the McD's ad campaign for the season makes this all even funnier.

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