Having not read any of the comics, I only had the show to base my opinion on and I feel it was decent. If renewed for a second season it has potential. It takes about five episodes to get really good and if you can get past how incredibly stupid 90% of the family is, it's a good watch.

At one point it seemed like they were going somewhere with Duncan, maybe in season two? They would be wise not to waste the talents of Aaron Ashmore.

As for the twist at the end (which I saw coming a mile away) that's what Kinsey gets for basically ditching probably one of the more likable characters in this show and completely ignoring that in 80% of their scenes "Gabe" was interrogating her about the keys.

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Woah! 5+ (feeling lenient) episodes of terrible writing and terrible characters/decisions, finally we get an episode in which Kinsey, gasp realises she's making "reckless decisions". She doesn't realise this right after almost getting people killed though, I guess it took some time to settle in her head. Maybe the pink was too bubble-gummy and slowed down her thinking? Maybe it's magical dye.

This episode sounds a little like suddenly they swapped writers, and this new one just sat there head-desking, trying to fix in one episode what others have torn down for so long. Kudos, almost worked.

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Another mediocre episode. They need to write off the mother chapter from this show.

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Most episodes so far were a 6 for me, this one’s an 8. Finally some interesting action going on, and less Bode.

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this episode was much better than the last trainwreck one

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This is more like it. WAY less High School Romance and way more development on the mysteries front, including a critically important dual reveal. Hopefully this trend continues...

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Major Spoiler: This one will blow your mind with the Dodge twist. Although, it’s also funny that Tyler didn’t only secretly get with Dodge. He got with a guy who was in disguise as a woman lol.

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What a twist with Dodge, this series it starting to get some interesting drama

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Wow! Nina is annoying when she is drunk. She's a frickin hippie. Ugh...

But she does have some good realizations as a result, which is nice too see. I hate watching her struggle to put clues together to be stopped at every turn.

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Hrm... who might know something about the door... who would be unwilling, or unable, to divulge how to open the door? Boy, this is a toughie...

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Nope... not weird at all... if those kids would stop being so self absorbed, it is really pretty normal. Hell, I remember figuring it out as a kid and that was just by observing other families that encountered tragedy. These people have lived with it and seen first hand what it does to people emotionally and physically...

People that undergo traumatic events don't typically take care of themselves very well and thus providing a hearty meal that gives both comfort and calories to deal with depression, anxiety, and the like is very normal... and obvious.

I'm glad Netflix again shows how they support the clueless generations...

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So is Dodge pretending to be Lucas to screw with Ellie, or is Lucas masquerading as Dodge to hide that fact that he still 18 almost 20 years after he supposedly died?

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