I'd just like to comment on the music choice, which is excellent. Before the credits roll, there is a snippet of a song called "Big Love" by "She Wants Revenge" - worth a listen!

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Why is the zoned out mum not looking after her child, leaving him to wander off and play with bear traps?

Bode and Kinsey are fun enough characters to spend time with, and I particularly like the group making their own film. Everyone else, meh.

Also, I'm British and I pronounce "scone" to rhyme with "stone".

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Now we get to see some of the keys in action, and it's pretty cool how the special effects are done. As I had guessed, the Bode kid is plain gullible, but it had to happen for the story to proceed. The school dean was apparently supposed to be played by Danny Glover, but is now Steven Williams who I know previously as Mr. X from The X-Files as well as It (Chapter One). So that makes two actors from It. I was also surprised to see yet another familiar face, legendary special effects master, Tom Savini, as the locksmith at the hardware store. Even though I don't think he would play much of a role in this show, it's still really neat to see him show up.
The blood splattering scene gave one of the characters a sort of Carrie look. I'm digging the vibe of the show so far, and looking forward to seeing more magical and spooky stuff later on. I also like the episode title Trapper Keeper which is a reference to the brand of school accessories, namely the binder, I used to get when I was in elementary in the early 90s. :books:

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So far this is.. this is one of the worst adaptations of a comicbook I have ever seen.

At this point, I think the showrunners are constantly changing things just to laugh at fans of the comic.

This episode was so awful, so awful, but I am tempted to watch more episodes just to see if it can get worse than this.

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Definitely liking this series so far. Bode is surprisingly not written to be annoying and instead an intelligent thinking individual like a real child! Some other Netflix writers could learn a thing for two about writing realistic kids...

Anyway, the mysteries continue and we get some new peculiarities. Good stuff.

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Hmmm ok, yeah magic is lost on grown ups. Fine.
But how does it seem like Bode is the only kid finding keys when his father and uncle had already lived there as kids. Sure, one of them hadn’t wanted to come back, but the other is awfully silent about the whole thing.

But at least the failures of this show make some more curious about the graphic novels haha.

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Things seem to be moving way too fast. They need to slow down and let things develop. It's episode two and they are already into the second book, come on guys please tell me you didn't screw this up.

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