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Not enough attention is given to David and Syd's mutually beneficial relationship this season- it's all about defeating or helping the shadow king. In season one, their relationship provided a nice retreat from the chaos.

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This show is SO weird. Seriously.

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What is happening??? So lost.

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What is happening in this show????

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Shout by Photelegy

The main idea reminds me on"Inseption" with the implanted, growing idea.

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My god, the music is stunning. This episode just made me happy LOL XD
Even the script is amazing in this episode, it is just too sad that he will die :( and still we don't know who is the old lady. However, I think the next episode will be outstanding, this is the beginning of the end XD

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So who's the old lady? Am I supposed to know her or....?

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If he would have truly loved her, his reaction would be different. He will be like: "That is it. No more talk. I am nuking you, you motherfucker, end the rest of the world could go to hell with you." Instead we are hearing more blah blah blah. My guess is - David never truly loved no one. Not Amy, Not Syd, not even Lenny.
As for Syd, she is sure frightened by her power, at the same time she is tempted to use it, to surround her with powerful people, just in case she is going to need their bodies and abilities. She will probably evolve into something different in the future and she is probably is the real reason world is going to hell. Why the hell would she need Fahrook? More power, of course. And all that talk about complex love with Davis is just a clever bullshit to keep him around until she is ready.

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