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Legion: Season 2

2x06 Chapter 14

So many people saying great episode but I’m having hard time understanding how this applies to the overall story line. To me it feels like a waste of time. Though great musical & visual journey.

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what the heck happened in this episode???
i really lost my mind watching it!!

all the things its saw its from a parallel universe??
and at the end was the beginning of all?

a little help please :)

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Ok, I’ve got it. A bunch of disconnected timelines, with the only common point our “hero” and maybe hist sister, from where the threads of THAT multiverse started, and at most everybody, as usual, cry out how great this episode was. The fact that it contributed nothing whatsoever to the main story is irrelevant. Apparently Marvel can’t do anything wrong. Sure, by itself the episode was ok (yes, just ok), but it’s just smoke and mirrors.

The idea is old and badly implemented (watch the movie “Sliding Doors” for a superb realisation of the butterfly effect or a “what if” situation, in that case missing the metro).

Random stories with the same protagonist thrown there, where they eventually end up with the one we have been following for nearly two seasons. So what? What’s the point? Were we supposed to be impressed? Call it fate or destiny if you like, but please move on with the REAL story. Or at least the one I paid Disney+ to watch!

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I think this episode waist my time and it's not connected the main storyline.

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This episode was good, but I'm already tired of not having a storyline to follow. I'm struggling with this show.

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Tunnel scene is a nod to A Clockwork Orange and is fitting for David as a potential timeline.

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I don't understand all the positive comments for this episode.It was a filler. It adds nothing to the overall story line. You could make an episode like this for any other show. The idea of parallel universes is not an idea that is unique to Legion.

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Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParent2019-02-12T20:53:10Z— updated 2019-02-16T21:11:13Z

gorecki's third symphony. i've always loved that piece. it's basically a modern equivalent of barber's adagio.

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Fantastically made episode! I cried. I laughed at the singing rat... oh yeah, that happened! lol! Dan Stevens amazes me every time

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The best thing about this episode was Bryan Ferry mouse. Apart from that, it was just another (pretty) filler. Can't wait to have the story moving forward, again...

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Holy shit. Amazing episode, I was holding my breath the whole time.

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Can this show do any wrong? No. No, it cannot. Every episode feels like a dream of weird superhero poetry.

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This show just gets better and better.

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Nothing else to say... Amazing!

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I am in love with the aesthetic of this show.
Simply amazing.

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The rat who singed is awesome

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Hey, what, wtf is happening?!
That will be anyone watching this episode XD

though, it is a very emotional amazing episode, as usual, Legion never failed me :)

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They really cranked up drama all the way to 11 with this episode. Almost nothing story related happened, they just revealed a few things from the past. Everything else was just a random stuff from parallel universes.

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I cried a bit. That was weird. Amazing episode, acting, directing, music. Everything was top notch.

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the music in this show is just incredible

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Magnificent and heartbreaking, it was an awesome hour of television, and a fitting way for David to mourn the loss of his sister Amy.

With such a sprawling cast, I'm disappointed that Noah Hawley didn't slide a few familiar faces from the Fargo universe into the background players.

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