I loved the ending of this episode!!

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Not gonna lie, Vilanelle talking to Eve like that turned me on, my kind of fantasy. It was amazing! I just want Niko to die Please

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This might be my favorite episode in this season. I'm also really surprised by how much I enjoyed Aaron - He came off as just an arrogant douche in the previous episodes, but now he shows this creepy, obsessive perfectionism and it was so fascinating to watch. I would honestly love to see many more scenes with him, but I'm not even sure if he'll survive the finale tbh.

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"She'll be fine [calm and collected]. She just needs to think that she's in charge." -Eve

One could say the same about Eve.

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Two people - one of them a professional - have now told Eve in no uncertain terms that she's too involved.

"This will all end in tears" and "you'll have no one to blame but yourself" are what comes to mind.

I'm curious to know how she'll react to that ending but I suspect she might try to sweep it under the rug, worrying about the operation (yeah, right...) and nothing else.

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How is it that V always ends up in situations with psychopaths…
Well… I guess otherwise it would be boring.
Aaron though… he liked that she hit him, but suddenly she acts all demure? I guess he’s too volatile to risk it, but it seemed like he enjoys someone talking back at him, which she’s now completely stopped.

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Villanelle is clearly aware that Peele is listening, the conversation makes equal sense as her talknig to Eve or Aaron (she could just be doing this to keep her cover or she was actually talking to both, you never know with her)
Also something's probably happening with MI6 that will affect Eve, guessing from what Kenny said to her

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Like so much of the fiction written by the "fairer" among us...this is just a mediocre story-lite self-indulgent bonk fantasy.

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-damn that pasta looked amazing, Villanelle easily wins this episode cause she got to eat those
-shoutout to Eve for getting some
-some beautiful set pieces in this episode, Rome is a nice location
-definitely has me at max levels of excitement for the finale

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This thing between Villanelle and Aaron is interesting to watch. Both severe psychopaths but in different ways and the craziest thing about watching them is that at all times I'm thinking 'No! What about Eve!' which makes me wonder what that says about my own sanity. Rooting for a relationship between a vicious killer and the one 'hunting' her down. Though I guess there is not much of a hunt at this point... not in the way it started out at least. Either way, I love what they did this season, turning things around and showing different sides to both characters. We get to see a softer side of Villanelle at times while seeing a hardened version of Eve unfold too.

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Shout by Agnetė

Eve said that Villanelle needs to think that she's in control to remain calm but Aaron, turns out, is so creepy and control-freak that its polar opposite of her being in control. Wonder how this will end...
Also, I truly didn't like Gemma but why did she kill her? This puts Niko in an even worse position

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So much to unpack I don't think I can even start.

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