Cannibalism! This show never ceases to surprise me...

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[6.3/10] Weaker start to the new season. The laughs just weren’t there for me. There were some good performance bits with Charlie and Dee unraveling as they believe they’ve consumed human flesh and have developed a taste for it. (And the reveal that it was raccoon and probably gave them a tapeworm is a good one.) But the story didn’t really click with the absurdity I like from the show.

On the other side, Mac and Dennis hunting Rickety Cricket is a promising premise (and Cricket’s unexpected parkour skills were a neat bit), but the pube-related punishment debates got old pretty fast. Frank mistaking his life for Rambo’s was good for a chuckle here or there, but otherwise there wasn’t much.

Overall, not the strongest way to kick off Season 4.

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Found it hard to get a laugh,looks like they have ran out of decent stories.

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