Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes, they'll be lower... son. The Democratic vote is the right thing to do Philadelphia, so dooo.

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[5.7/10] This one didn’t really do it for me. It’s not like anything was outright bad (though the material with Dee grazed it at times) there just wasn’t much that made me laugh or anything especially compelling beyond some amusing comments about cool trenchcoats. Charlie and Dennis getting really into Dennis’s campaign was fine. Frank trying to use Dee as his basis for getting a bribe was fine. And Mac running afoul of unions in his attempt to solicit a bribe was fine too. It just wasn’t especially funny or memorable.

It’s hard to put my finger on why though. Maybe it’s that the plot felt aimless instead of clockwork. One of the things IASIP is best at is taking a bunch of spiraling, seemingly disconnected together and smashing them together in novel ways at the end. That sort of happened here, but for the most part it felt like everything was awkwardly glued together than falling into place.

Overall, there’s a few laugh lines (Frank ragging on Hillary because she supposedly “hates freedom” and Charlie’s fascination with garbage pail kid cards) but cumulatively it’s just kind of a listless, mild-chuckle-at-best episode.

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A woman in politics is like a donkey doing calculus. Hilary Clintion hates freedom

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This episode seems so much more appropriate during the 2016 election...

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