Charlie got me sobbing :cry:. This episode was surreal. It's not like watching Always Sunny but I kinda dug it. I hope there's a Christmas or New Year special.

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Jesus they are really doubling down on the covid vaccine schtick. Too bad it's not funny. A lot of potential wasted this season which is a shame. I was looking forward to the Ireland setting.

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Yeah, maybe this show should`ve ended a couple of seasons back

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Rumor has it Charlie Day sent in the clip of his rain monologue as his audition for Luigi.

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This episode is an essential American text.

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Well I mean they got the stereotype of American tourists in Ireland fuckin dead right

(Also I’ve been watching this upon the insistence of my bf basically everyday since Christmas and now I don’t have my comfort show and I’m really sad)

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Out of Ireland at last. What a waste of a potentially interesting concept. Really quite frustratingly bad this season, but let's hope they can pull it back next time. Otherwise it might be time to finally pull the plug on this once great show.

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Charlie does great acting while the rest of the story just kinda wraps up the Ireland saga

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the closest an episode has come to almost make me cry, and it had to be the last one.

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So disappointed in this season </3 after the last couple of years we’ve had all I wanted was the gang being the gang.
So much has happened that I wanted to see these events from the gang’s perspective and I can’t believe they just gave us an episode of that, and that would’ve made sense if the rest of the season ignored covid/elections/etc but instead they gave dennis covid and then another character died from it, so either you go all the way in or you don’t do it.
A few seasons back they made a quarantine episode and it was so so much better than this season. I wanna clarify I don’t specifically wanted a covid/2020-22 season but this show has always manage to find a balance between what’s going on with the world and how it affects a group of clueless deranged individuals.
Everything could’ve been set in Philly, didn’t see the point of going to Ireland.
And the child abuse/r:asterisk_symbol:pe/JE jokes/storylines were disgusting.

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