Seeing so many negative ratings and reviews is surprising to me - I really liked this one! Taking the Home Alone format and slowing warping into something more like Saw is such an original idea! The only issue I had was that it should have been resolved in one episode. I don't think there's enough content here to stretch over two episodes. Besides that, it was a very fun episode.

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That was awful. Great programme, but one of the unfunniest and most boring single episodes of anything I think I’ve ever watched. I want that 20 mins of my life back.

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“Charlie, eat this asparagus” -sticks asparagus out-

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somehow I had an entertaining time watching Charlie go through all that inhumane shit from the second half you're criticizing I guess I'm nothing like y'all

does that make me better? I don't know
does that make me kinda messed up? well let's not delve into it

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[5.6/10] Oof. The first real stinker of this season, and it’s a doozy. I enjoyed the first part of this, which was a slavish but still fun imitation of the classic Home Alone with some fun Charlie-specific twists.

But from there, this one just got unpleasant. I can appreciate weird or transgressive humor as much as the next guy, but seeing Charlie eat a live animal, drink his own urine, and basically make his way through a one-man Saw routine was unpleasant and unfunny. There’s some conceptual humor in the wacky-go-lucky stylings of Home Alone being turned into a solo horror film, but in the moment, it’s just gross bit after gross bit to try to make you recoil.

There’s the slightest rebound with the Eagles players coming to life and cheering Charlie on, and there’s some minorly humorous commentary in sports fans’ devotions to rituals and superstitions. But man, it’s not near enough to make up for how hard-to-watch and largely laughless this dose of pain- and even torture-based humor was.

Overall, a chore to watch. Hopefully part 2 does better.

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Shout by Deleted

Yeah disnt really liked that episode so much, worst one so far this season. but the whole season has been overall great so far.

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Last episode got the rare 6 and this joins it (and it wasn't far off a 5). I enjoyed the Home Alone references, obvious and not so, but the 2nd half of this episode just falls flat. I'm not sure if it's just that the show requires more than 1 character to really thrive, or if the change midway through didn't work - I believe the answer lies somewhere in the middle. But man, the 2nd half is boring. I don't care about Charlie's ritual and I don't care about his escape. Fly Eagles, Fly!

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