Of course you’re not going to understand why some parts are funny if you never saw The Jinx or Making a Murderer.

With that said: this is hilarious. Ignore Andrew Bloom’s comment before me. He doesn’t know why this episode is funny. Charlie especially nails it.

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Hey, what is Perd Hapley doing in Philadelphia!?

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[4.2/10] Maybe this would have been amusing to me if I’d watched Making a Murder, but without familiarity with the source material of what’s being parodied (or the whole true crime thing generally beyond Serial), this one fell entirely flat to me. Maybe there were some amusing riffs on the tropes of the genre, but as an independent episode, this one just did not work, with hardly a laugh to be had.

The only two bits I enjoyed were 1. The on-the-nose but amusing summary from Charlie and Mac at the end more directly taking the piss out of the modern true crime genre for intentionally obscuring resolution and 2. Mac’s terribly-deployed pop cultural references.

Otherwise, the twists and turns in this one were a big meh, and the jokes were completely ineffective without knowing the source of the parody. I generally like format-benders, but this one a complete miss for me.

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RIP Maureen. Gone too soon.

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This is gold.

Not only they make a great parody of Making a murderer and similar shows, but they do it while being completely in the spirit and history of the show.

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yeeeaah comment that follows the rules

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I love when they change the intro only for an episode lmao

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Brilliant parody of murder documentaries. They nailed it

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