Shouts about...

Invincible 2021

Wild. Incredible. Nearly flawless in execution.

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Only three episodes in and it's already my favorite American animated series. Robert Kirkman is a genius. I absolutely LOVED the comic book series. Can't wait to see what subtle changes this has in store. Lets Go!!

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Man....... I'm so excited for this one!

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when you noticed they name the mid episode "its been a while" because it will be a while before they release the next episode

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Absolutely amazing coming-of-age story with some moments of the most brutally violent scenes I've ever seen in a show before. Execution was nearly flawless, acting was incredible, and although I felt the finale was paced a bit faster than the rest of the episodes it was a very satisfying conclusion to the season that has me ready for more.

I also really liked the detail of the title screen getting bloodier and bloodier each episode, good stuff.

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I had very high expectations for this show and they were all met and more. Bloody amazing.

I hope this show opens up ways for more shows based on Image Comics. There is a lot of great source potential there.

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As someone who isn't into animated series or animations, this is the very only animated series that I've finished and enjoyed until the last episode. And when it ended, I craved for more. That's how good this show is. The action and the brutality, the general plot, pretty much everything was incredibly intriguing. Been waiting for season 2 for quite a while as well.
Don't have any doubt, just put it on and you will be captured right when the first episode ends. Enjoy!

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This show really cared about characters that I've never heard about before, and made me want to read a comic I've never heard of. That's how much I enjoyed this show.

There's so much to like in this first season. Great, brutal action (since the animation shines with it), great and complex characters, great world-building and nice heart to it all. And I loved how raw this felt.

Now there were things that bugged me, like some characters felt one note and inconsistent (Amber and William) And the animation can be pretty clunky at times, especially during episode 4.

However overall, I loved this first season, but I hope the animation improves! (8.9/10)

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It's just outstanding! Perfect story and great screenplay. A lot of action and battles. Can't wait for season two!

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A bit too much social justice talk for my tastes but the swearing, violence, and gore was very refreshing. Surprised there isn't any nudity considering the rating. Looking forward to seeing where this series goes.

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Only a season in, and I'm hyped. Hyped for more of the characters, storylines, animations, songs, dialogue, action, shock, adventure, and heartbreak. I thought the first few episodes were filler episodes, but oh is it worth it. The twists make you spin, and so do the turns. The voice acting is stupendous. J.K. Simmons, Steven Yeun, Walton Goggins, and an insane amount of more just bring the comic book to life. Going to smash through season 2 and pray they keep this going for another 900 seasons. It's worth every tear, and second I give.

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The animation is simply terrible. It seems all of their budget went towards paying the celebrity voice actors, but unfortunately the voice acting isn't that great either.

Yes, it has gore, but other than that, the show isn't good.

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Where the hell is the 5th episode that was supposed to drop today?

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I recently finished this on Amazon Prime and loved it. For those who don’t know, this is an animated super hero show from the creator of The Walking Dead!

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I really didn't expect this much kick ass super hero series. It was phenomenal. The animation, characters were really good. Although there are a lot of gore and blood. But that's how it looks like.

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A lot of violent fun with a great cast makes this highly enjoyable and addictive.

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Good animated series, it is entertaining, it is not anything from another world either.

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The first episode certainly gets your attention when the super guy just kills everybody...

And after the 2nd episode with all the attacking and violence and blood, I feel I might get PTSD just from watching. I dont know how the young super hero boy is going to make it through all this death and destruction without counseling.

It's a cartoon, but they squeeze people's eyes out of their head and then step on them, and it's just a bloody mess of dead bodies in multiple scenes.. Do I need to see that in my life? I should save my sanity.

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Starts off like okay... I'm interested. Nice animation and voice work. It has adult themes from superhero-like people living amongst society. Think The Boys. However, the ending of the first episode drops and I audibly said wtf in a good way. I'm hooked on this refreshing spin on the genre and it borrows tropes and ideas from all the popular series we know including Hellboy heh. Kirkman.

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I'll watch almost anything with superpowers so I tried this. This show was easily predictable, not original, and politically preachy. Basically par for the course for Hollywood over the last several years and yet another reminder to stick to Japanese anime for my animated sci-fi/fantasy cravings. The writers completely forget that a major aspect of the superpowers genre is escapism. Meanwhile, this show was like watching the fever dream of a woke writer who thought "how could I turn this beloved genre into yet another soulless propaganda piece" as they repeatedly remind me of current day social-political nonsense that has plagued the western world. The plot is very unoriginal where the big twist is that instead of ripping off the Superman origin story, they're actually ripping off the Dragonball Z origin story...and not well. I guess I'm supposed to overlook the massive plot holes since they met their racial and LGBT quota? The excessive and unnecessary use of gore does not help either. It screams desperation, just like their over budget ensemble Hollywood cast. They hope you'd be shocked at the gore and impressed by the casting so you'd mistake this for a mature and well-written show.

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When I first started the show I really struggled to get by the first episode. But then... WTF! This got interesting.
It's well paced, building up to the season finale, developing main characters and their motivations and ideals. The secondary characters don't add much to the show but are a good support network.
It explores a good plot and is well written.
The final episode is epic!
Let's hope for a good 2nd season.

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[Amazon] Continuing the superhero subversion that began with "The boys" (2019-), Robert Kirkman's comic adaptation offers an interesting approach to adult animation with violence. Once we use to seeing heads busted, we could ask for more in character development, but a brilliant visual concept (perhaps too much of 90s style) and a spectacular voice cast are enough to create one of the most funny animation shows.

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very Good, Waiting for news epss

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I figured ....what the hey..i got time to spare...
Starts off slow..
Many then....

What the eck...gut punch the very first episode...


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They really went overboard with inclusion in season 2, didn't they? I mean, wow...

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Season one amazong. Season 2 mid

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Man, season 2 was all carrot no stick

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Season 2 rated a 5

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I was hooked after the first episode. .

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8 episodes spread over 6 months after a 1.5 year break between seasons. I'm done with this series.

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Exciting return of probably the best superhero show in telespace that clips through issues of the original comic book at a breakneck pace, culminating in another incredible finale.

Cleverly establishes new characters and threats while never taking its eye off the big picture set up by the first season.

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Shout by LinuxUser2010
BlockedParent2024-03-29T03:44:27Z— updated 2024-04-10T14:52:25Z

It's a fantastic show. I can't wait for season 3. So far i'm very impressed. I love the blood, gore. it's about time Image comics got involved in the superhero animated series. they need to come out with a new spawn series that would really be great.

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Invincible, is not the one who always wins Invincible, is the one who always gets back up.

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Dont know about anyone else but this didn't air on march 13th 2024?

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I'm sure a new episode was scheduled to air yesterday. what happened???

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"Where the hell is the 5th episode that was supposed to drop today?? Where's this damn episode???

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"Where the hell is the 5th episode that was supposed to drop today?? Where's this damn episode??

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"Where the hell is the 5th episode that was supposed to drop today?? Where's this damn episode??

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Where the hell is the 5th episode that was supposed to drop today?? Where's this damn episode??

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Despite the, at times, choppy animation, and Amber’s plot hole, Invincible truly deserves its high rating. (Omni-Man is one of the most well-written characters I’ve ever seen.) 9/10 :star:

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Shout by oo0
BlockedParent2023-11-11T11:06:00Z— updated 2024-02-11T08:54:02Z

This needs to be invincible to cancellation as it is really good.

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I don't get all the hype over this series, it's basically a collection of stolen ideas from all kinds (superman, dragon ball, the satellite straight up from Akira, etc). That paired with stretching suspension of disbelief to the point it breaks in universe coherence (sure, they are making a superbaby in a lab but they won't check the DNA of the dead body in the maternity?) and what's up with everyone hating on Cecil?

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this show has a pretty weak and uninteresting plot but reading the raving reviews on here is starting to make me actively hate it out of pure spite

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Shout by Marcoo

One of the most epic show anime. The kind of scenario I like where the superhero learns his power, the discovering his dad is a traitor, with a good mix of gore, the show doesn't hold back !!!

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A series that goes from less to more. The animation was a little weird at first and there's some inconsistency in the scale of powers, but it's fun and leaves you wanting to see how it will continue.

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Shout by 020202

waste of time, and a literal PowerPoint presentation is better animated than whatever this was

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Another superhero show that is trying to break the formulaic structure of others. All I have to say is to just watch the first episode, and if you aren't hooked by the end, then this show probably isn't for you, but if you are, then you are in for a wild ride.

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The cartoon doesn't have a good story. It's not immersive. It has a script synchronized with the agenda of gender ideology, multiculturalism, and the old clichés of angry nerds, etc… In short, if it weren't for the violence of the cartoon, it would be nothing. The cartoon then clings to a terrible and disgusting feature that violence. However, by breaking the rules in the style that was designed, it becomes an exclusive design in its category.

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Nice series! when is season 2 coming out?

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Average story with average animation
I don't get the hype this series got when it released.

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Shout by Tonydez415
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-05-06T00:25:28Z— updated 2022-07-16T08:19:44Z

Fantastic action mixed with some effective family drama equals an animated superhero show that is very quality in what it’s attempting to accomplish. Insanely brutal with its gore, but even more so with the stakes it builds and the villains it introduces. Great performances from a star-studded cast help immensely, and the only flaws with it are a bit of a cliche love interest storyline and some at-times weaker animation segments (likely due to budgeting issues). Otherwise, it has a great first season and a promising future ahead of itself!

(+) Great voicework from a star-studded cast such as Steven Yuen, J.K. Simmons, Gillian Jacobs, and Sandra Oh
(+) Relentless and brutal action segments that truly test the limits of violence in adult animation
(+) Some really cool villains introduced, with highlights being Omni-Man, the Mauler Twins, and Battle Beast
(+) While working on a limited budget, the animation is great and gives a nice stylish look to the show
(=) A pretty meh love side plot in Season 1, with potential to grow in the future

Final Verdict: 8.63/10 (Excellent)

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I have no words for how great this show is. At the beginning I was kind of nervous that it would be a pretty generic superhero show, but then...the thing happened. I couldn't believe that last scene of episode 1 was real. Even Game of Thrones wasn't that brave, but they did it. I didn't think they show could get any more violent than that, but that was before the subway scene. The characters are all so perfectly written, except Amber, who is pretty much the only thing holding this thing back from a 10. The way they screwed with her character in episodes 6 and 7 really frustrated me because before that she seemed like a great character. OTHER THAN THAT THOUGH, the characters were insanely well-written, Mark, Debbie, Cecil, Eve, Robot, Monster Girl, Omni-Man, the list goes on. Also Allen the Alien is greatest character in television history and no one will ever tell me otherwise.

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Damn this was good... like really good

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One of, the greatest dissertations on the what if super hero were real hypothesis without the studio boundaries that Man of Steel and Batman v Superman faced and the ones that Deadpool misuses only for laughs. An incisive commentary the cyclical nature of generational patriarchal abuse and above all, what it means to be human. Layered beautifully with elements of Saturday morning cartoons and young adult superhero animation oeuvre associated with Justice Legaue, Batman, Superman, X Men and host of of other Marvel and DC Properties, Invincible assiduously constructs a universe that’s comfortingly familiar while concurrently being remarkably revolutionary. A true revelation.

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Going into this blind was a great decision! The first and last episodes were absolute bangers.

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did not expect to like this so much but it's really well made

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It has left me speechless from the first minutes, if the series continues in this way it will become the best of its kind since the first season is simply spectacular

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Most violent animated series! Addicted to this show!

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I thought the Boys was such a refreshing direction to take the superhero genre, but this has just kicked it in the nuts. This feels like a mix between the Justice League cartoon and the venture bros and I'm all for it!

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Man that's a darn surprise.. great season with a promising good story.. the fighting scenes are badass .. looking forward to more seasons

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i dig the style, sure the animation was a bit "choppy" at times and much much worse than what you would expect of a standard animation these days (i mean anime pretty much)

but the story...holy shit this is good. this was really really interesting, I heard a season 2 and 3 has already been confirmed and man i can't wait. there is so much potential here. If you love superhero stories, this is a must watch

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I came knowing absolutely about the comics, and just heard about a few scenes that might be violent. It's enough for me to start it.
And I wasn't disappointed about the story. Not only it isn't the regular superhero story where someone saves everyone in the nick of time, but it's just a guy that discovered his superpowers, his realisation that it isn't just fun, and we follow him in his relationships with others.

In short, I loved this show and can't wait for the next season.

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Definitely one of the most brutal animated shows I've ever seen! I really hope they improve on the quality for the 2nd season since its a shame if the animation doesn't hold up to the epicness of the story...

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Invincible is the first superhero show I’ve watched that made me feel fragile and helpless as a human

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wow, this was way out of my expectations. One of the best shows of 2021 for sure.

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I love the subversion of the superhero genre as much as the genre itself.

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Disappointing, it's like they purposefully announce an adaptation to give you hope the. Crush that hope with an embarrassment to the comics

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Shout by TGVlx
BlockedParent2021-03-28T16:53:00Z— updated 2021-04-18T17:43:46Z

If you like super hero comics with a dark twist, then you shouldn't miss this one.
I give it 10 because I love the comics and I think Kirckman outdid himself on this animated show.

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A must watch for comic/graphic novel fans.Plus those looking to get away from the constant spew of the Marvel universe. Well done Amazon to take on something new to TV. There are some many other great comics to get brought to screen. I will keep watching!

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