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Inside Man: Season 1

1x01 Episode 1

Okay, well that was confusing. The most notable storyline in this episode is the one involving the maths tutor, well specifically the maths tutor and the vicar.

Good lord woman why are you so.... and I struggle to find another word for this but stupid. Just one stupid moment flipped the entire path of the story for a character who honestly was amazing before then.

When you know someone so well why would make the presumptions she makes. Being shocked at CP I get. That's awful stuff I can't imagine. But assuming that Ben your math student is gleefully and casually taking ownership of it is ridiculous. The worst part is that in spite of the fact that his father is a vicar she can't imagine any other outcome than it's Ben's "He told me from his own mouth". Now Harry is also a moron for being unable to explain a simple concept like "it belongs to a parish member" without going through three fumbles. Just explain. How this ended up with her bleeding in your basement is beyond belief.

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The first episode was so dumb, things happens just because the show wants them to happen not because they make sense.

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David Tennant AND Stanly Tucci in a crime thriller, be still my beating heart. It's written by Moffat so I'm prepared for it to be the best or worst thing I watch this year but the pilot was good so I have some hope

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If you listen carefully you can almost make out the sound of Steven Moffat beating himself off to how clever he thought was writing this between each line of dialogue

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I’m still confused, is the cp his son’s or not? Maybe i missed something, the wife seems to make it even more confusing and makes it leave towards it being for their son . From what i remember it should be for the guy at the church that gave him the drive. Is it another drive? That would be one hell of a coincidence.

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Shout by Erebos

Plot contrivances are excusable only when they serve a purpose other than just moving the plot forward, like shedding light into facets of the characters' psyche that were hinted but we wouldn't normally see. There should've been some setup for Harry being volatile, controlling, or paranoid. That would've made his spiraling more convincing.

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I think feelings about this show are generally mixed. The person who recommended it to me kept raving about it. I was bored the heck out of my mind because it's so slow and illogical?? I didn't even realise that initial bit with the USB drive is the actual crux and starting point.

Also the solution of the senator and his $253.55 was just so stupid I was steaming mad by the reveal.

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Heard this was good but I couldn’t finish it. I don’t know what this is but this is not for me.

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What a fuxking dumb series. It just doesn't make sense.

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