9.5/10. Alan Sepinwall posited this as a great episode to get someone into the show, and it's not hard to see why. It's an introduction to everyone; it has clever non-linear storytelling that plays on different perspectives and perceptions; it has those fun little HIMYM quirks that come from the frame story like the sandwich metaphor and Blah-Blah, and it leans into the fun group dynamics that make the gang an enjoyable group of people to spend time with even when the story part of an episode isn't firing on all cylinders. Hardly a dull moment or weak joke in the bunch. Not much emotional heft, but otherwise this is damn close to the platonic ideal of a How I Met Your Mother episode.

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The girl Ted made out with in college was definitely Lily. The last scene was only done to raise uncertainty on whether or not the girl was actually her.

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