Not the best episode. I love Bryan Cranston, but his character here is a little too over the top for my tastes, and the entire conflict about having to fire an employee despite friendship and extenuating circumstances feels very Sitcom 101 without much, if any of that trademark HIMYM twist on the usual half-hour comedy formulas. (Though Ted attempting to put in a good word for "Mosby" with the managing partner was worth a laugh.)

The B-story featuring Marshall's nude painting, and Barney's subsequent nude painting request was a little better, featuring some standard-if-fun hijinx with the rest of the gang. The contrast between Marshall and Lily's sweetness about only seeing each other naked, and then their immediate mercenary qualities when they realize they could pay for their honeymoon was funny, as was Barney acting like he played them in the midst of getting played. Not the greatest subplot the show ever had, but still enjoyable.

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While Hammond wasn't particularly likable, Ted went overboard in firing him.

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