Knowing where Lily's story goes colors my view on this one, but it also makes her wanderlust and concern that she hasn't fulfilled her life goals stand out, and the way those ideas are put into relief by a big, upcoming milestone feel very true-to-life. The intertextuality of the series, with the flashbacks that show Lily's free spirit ways and how they ran headlong into Marshall makes it clear without laying it on too thick, and her conversation with Robin in the bathroom is a nice bit of emotional release and sign of friendship. Tying everything together with Marshall and Lily's song and Lily's worried look is a good capper to it all.

At the same time, the whole gang sneaking into and dealing with the attendees of a high school prom was a pretty great comic setup. Barney's infiltration attempts, Ted's fight against the nerds, and Robin getting the real prom experience were all great little character beats that kept everyone involved. The Lily stuff takes center stage here (and the Ted and Robin stuff is still a bit of a chore) but the light comic material supporting it is written and acted with flair.

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Shout by dgw

Nine weeks or 71 days? Which is it, Lily? 71 days is just over ten weeks, so…

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Lily is such an overreactor.

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