Personal Lists featuring...

House of Cards

Season 1


70%+ average from 25+ critics & 500+ users on Rotten Tomatoes.
or 7+ average from 5k+ users on IMDB
or 8+ average from 20k+ users on MDL


My list of all-time classics, genre-definers, and can't-miss films & TV series. Whenever anybody asks me, "What should I watch next?" this list is my response.

While not everything here rates a 10/10 (though nothing falls below a 7/10 by my reckoning), each entry is at least an important cultural touchstone or an ambitious artistic achievement that is worthy of your valuable time.


Every episode I've seen in 2016.

The 100 S2 - S3

11.22.63 (Complete Series)

Arrow S4x16 - S5x09

Better Call Saul S1x08 - S2x10

Burn Notice S1x01 - S2x07

Chicago Fire S1x03 - S5x08

Chicago Med S1x01 - S2x08

Chicago P.D. S1x01 - S4x08

Constantine S1x07 - S1x13 (Completed)

The Flash S2x16 - S3x09

Game of Thrones S6

Gotham S2x14 - S3x11

Homeland S1x01 - S2x12

House Of Cards S1 - S3

How I Met Your Mother S4x03 - S7x04

The Last Ship S3

Legends Of Tomorrow S1x08 - S2x08

Lucifer S1x01 - S2x10

The Man in the High Castle S1x06 - S2x03

Marvel's Agent Carter S1x06 - S2x10 (Completed)

Marvel's Daredevil S2

Marvel's Jessica Jones S1x02 - S1x13

Marvel's Luke Cage S1

Mr. Robot S1x06 - S2x12

Narcos S2x01 - S2x02

Preacher S1

Supergirl S1x12 - S2x08

Vixen S2

Episodes seen for the 2nd time:
The Flash S1x01
Homeland S1x01
Narcos S1x01 - S1x03


Sky Atlantic HD
(data di lancio: 9 aprile 2014)


αγαπημένες σειρές


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


TV Shows I'm "CURRENTLY" watching...


Faltando poucos dias para a conclusão de 2013, chega a hora de olharmos para trás e avaliarmos o que de melhor a TV teve para nos oferecer. Para isso juntamos o time de colaboradores do Série Maníacos e listamos as 15 melhores séries do ano. Algumas tiveram suas temporadas completas exibidas, outras apenas estão de férias. O que importa nessa lista é o que cada uma dessas séries mostrou em 2013, independente de ter sua temporada concluída ou não.
