Big fans of the book might dislike introducing elements from book 2 this early but I love it! I've only read the books once and I remember Will's introduction really caught me off guard (not in a good way), I'm glad they're mixing things up

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Wow they are really going all in on the Will stuff this season! Guess that means they'll just hit the ground running in S2 with no intro needed.

So I've had 2 episodes to get used to the casting choice for Lee and still not feeling it. His accent is so jarringly false on him and he's too young. Such a shame as the show clearly strives to get other things right.

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"Some part of me is definitely bear" Mood Lyra, mood

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He will jab, he Will Parry!
* chuckles into oblivion because I am an eternal child. LOL*

I'll just add that now that we've seen Serafina, I want more. She's glorious, and I loved the scene between her and Cor... Co... uhm (insert name here at later date) the very cool old guy with the beautiful orangey blonde beard, that was my favourite scene of the show so far.

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The scene between James Cosmo and Ruta Gedmintas is one of the finest acted scenes you will ever witness. Kudos to to both of them. It literally gave me goosebumps.

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Shout by Sabian

They show some supposedly emotional scenes here, but I just don't feel it. I haven't seen anything that built up any connection or bond between any of these characters for me, because all the acting seems so stiff and detached, even when they're crying. There's no... rawness to me, even Billy we could barely see his face at all the whole time, and I pretty much forgot about him except for his name by this point, too.

No idea if this is different for other people, but I'm pretty sure it's not the "Britishness" of the show, because I've seen Doctor Who scenes I felt something from, or maybe it's just David Tennant :person_shrugging:♂

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This is getting darker by the episode.
This one made me cry.
And that chant was so strong, I got goosebumps.

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Shout by Deleted

Sad for the death but was necessary. Amazing cliffhanger at the end of the episode, thrilling.

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good story i dont know the difference between book but is good

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There’s a sad but necessary death. Since it shows Lyra is in danger from some bad people.

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already mixing things up from the second book this season

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