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High School DxD 2012

First time when I started to watch, I watched only for one reason (Nudity)

But now for the second time, I'm watching only for the Story.

It's really good.

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The fourth season's starting wasn't too good. Even the animation was not upto the mark. Every girl's face is changed. The legendary oppai are changed. But the last episode was the thing which I wanted. From the start.
Overall , the 4th season was on the same level.

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Wow I can't believe a show with so much sex appeal and fan service could actually have a decent story and great action scenes.

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So glad I found this show. Haven't had this much fun watching an anime in a long time. Can't wait for Season 5.

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I’m not proud of watching this

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Although the show is mostly about nudity and harem, story and dialogues will definitely struck your mind. After Naruto, this is by far the best Action anime I've watched.
I can't wait to see more season of this. Fingers Crossed!:fingers_crossed:

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Shout by ManiacB

Yay, third season confirmed!
Season 2 got a bit crazy towards the end, but I guess most people don't watch it for the plot anyway :P

Wonder what crazy crap they'll pull in S3!

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season 4 is coming december 2015

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Welp, season 2 is now over. It added more girls, Issei kind of got closer to some of the existing ones, lots of ridiculous Dragonball Z level powerups occured, and Boobs. Lots of Boobs.

Just as enjoyable as the first season, if a bit more silly. I wonder if we'll get a season 3!

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I probably enjoyed this series more than I really should. It is a terribly generic harem series and you've probably seen all of these characters and plot devices before. However for whatever reason, I still enjoyed this series as a bit of mindless, silly fun.

Issei, our protagonist, whilst fairly generic, was at least unapologetically perverted, which I much prefer to the spineless harem lead who moans about how horrible it must be to have all these ladies fawning over him. He also does have a few moments of greatness and at least seems willing to fight for his clan.

I didn't like all of the heroines but I found Asia to be quite adorable and Rias' constant teasing of Issei to be quite fun. I also did like the idea of the demonic clan and their different class of "chess pieces" that fight for them.

Ultimately, you're not going to lose out much by not watching this series. But if you have some time to kill and fancy a silly perverted comedy anime with a few interesting ideas and some likeable characters, give it a go. A second season has been confirmed and I will probably be watching it.

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Shout by Deleted

I actually really like the plot of this series and I'd like to see everything that happens in the light novels be animated.

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Jesus where is season 4 already?

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Shout by Deleted

Yeah I checked, season 3 is 12 episodes not 10

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Shout by Deleted

Aren't there more episodes in season 3? Just curious thought I saw like 2 more episodes...

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Shout by Deleted

one of the better harem echhis out there.

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Really funny anime (with lots of Ikkitousen-like fanservice, so you need to be able to handle that) with some nice action in it as well. It is a bit too fast paced to build up a really decent story, but it manages to deliver nonetheless. Of course a lot of clichés, but not to the point that it gets tiresome.

Decent and enjoyably but not a masterpiece.

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Shout by Deleted

Nicely animated, fanservice heavy harem anime. Nicely done, and quite entertaining in some places. Decent enough emtertainment and a solid 7 out of 10.

BTW...there is only 12 episodes in this first season. Not thirteen... The episode marked as 1x13 is the first of two OVAs comming. They are marked as a 'side story' by most of the reliable sources...

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Trash, It's the negatives stereotypes of anime's put into a show.

If you want something similar with the funny and a similar story I recommend Rosario + Vampire

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Ahaha w we w w w w w wew

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Shout by Deleted

So glad i found this show!!! Come on Season 4 2017 cant wait!!

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Shout by Deleted

Love it

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