As an immediat re-watch it feels so much better. The weaker moments are still there but you can see all the basis from the character growth that will come in later seasons and it's fascinating to watch all the little things that the authors then built on. It feels very organic, in a way. Episode 6 is amazing in that sense. I'm also amazed at how much it manages to be emotional, thrilling, interesting, even if by know I kinda know every single thing that's coming. Great show. And it's the weaker season!

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It's amazing how good and gripping it is even on a rewatch. And it's the weaker season!

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Lee Pace talking exactly like Don Draper is a bit annoying, but I guess it's compensated by the kind of Patrick Bateman vibe he gives off. Overall the cast is quite good and the series is really interesting, even though it takes a while to get there. I'm curious to see the second season jump in quality everybody talks about.

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Une série qui reste dans mon top five... des personnages crédibles et une bonne histoire !

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Hmm, so the first episode kind of set me off, but I decided to keep going (albeit a bit later). I enjoyed the first season, but mostly some of the side characters. I also like some of the little references they made to various other companies back in the day, all without spelling it out completely.

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Hmm, so the first episode kind of set me off, but I decided to keep going (albeit a bit later). I enjoyed the first season, but mostly some of the side characters. I also like some of the little references they made to various other companies back in the day, all without spelling it out completely.

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Hmm, so the first episode kind of set me off, but I decided to keep going (albeit a bit later). I enjoyed the first season, but mostly some of the side characters. I also like some of the little references they made to various other companies back in the day, all without spelling it out completely.

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Solid season, even if some main characters aren't as fleshed out as others – we see motivations for Joe and Donna, but don't really get the same for Cameron and Gordon. Sure, all characters are callouts to things we've seen before (the desperate visionary, the obsessed wannabe, the infantile genius, the overwhelmed mother), much needed when you get a show full of technical references.

But that doesn't mean the season couldn't squeeze some insight into Cameron's rebelliousness. Even her relationship with Bosworth feels like a shortcut, without really showing how that trust was built. Hell, we don't even see why Bos decided to get on board with the whole project.

And Gordon, what is up with him? Despite being reinvigorated by the project, we don't really understand much about him apart from his family. We get that he's obsessed and a little deranged, but why does he behave like that?

Here's hoping future seasons expand on these characters. It will be nice to understand what makes them tick, so we can see when – and if – they start to evolve and change.

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