Our first look inside Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities reveals a rather generic horror story. After the effective opening scene, we follow racist veteran Nick (Tim Blake Nelson) who, like in "Storage Wars", buys an abandoned storage unit at an auction. It was previously owned by a Nazi who was not averse to the occult. Nick needs money immediately because he is deeply in debt. The plot, which is set during the tenure of George Bush, doesn't pick up speed for a long time. Tim Blake Nelson is also too likeable for his role. The story only gets a bit scarier towards the end, only to end abruptly. The episode was adequate overall, but nothing more.

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This is a very weak start. Everything feels very amateur and the script work feels like first draft material. Hope they pick up from here because this was so below my expectations, it’s really killed my hype for this series and the format.

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Del toro is an artistic visionary but his overall project resume is actually pretty weak. This first episode is no exception. Terrible script, no tension, nothing scary, barely compelling.

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The built up was very good but ending felt a bit abrupt ... overall a weak episode

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I enjoyed the performances of the entire cast, especially Tim Blake Nelson, who's gold in everything. The Rod Serling-like intro by Del Toro is fun. The story itself is a take on one of those dull reality shows where people get put into situations where they just argue with each other. Thankfully, that whole storage wars aspect is over in mere moments. Nelson as bitter curmudgeon, having to work with two strange eccentric people is satisfying. It would be great if the monster aspect of this first episode carries over into the rest of the episodes.

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An ok start. Still better than any Creepshow episode (the one on Shudder). Cinematography looks good, acting's good and CGI looks great. The set and dimmed lights is what made it somewhat scary but there isn't anything scary really. The main character was kind of a dick but that was made intentionally and it worked. I liked the antique guy. The ending was fitting.

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A real great start for this show. The characters are well defined for a one-shot. The background, story and pacing are also way more complete than usually expected on one shot episodes.

Honestly, there could be a whole show around people finding creepy stuff in storage units and the team of antiquaries that look for them.

The CGI for the final monster was a a bit disappointing though. Also the abrupt ending. I really want to know what this thing does next !

Bonus point for a small thing: the lady blocking him with the very same lock he gave her, that was just perfect.

Not related to the episode, but the opening is beautiful.

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Okayish. Woyld have been better if it hadn't been filled with a bunch of Hollywood morality nonsense.

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Good first episode. Much better than I expected as thought this might be another dire horror anthology like the terrible creepshow.

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Unfortunately off to a pretty boring start, very generic characters in an on-the-nose morality play really doesn't do much for me. I tend to like things with more creepy buildup and less outright scares, but this felt like a bit of a slog to get through without much payoff.

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You have to accept this won't be traditional horror (scares every 10 minutes), then you can focus on the story.

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Very del Toro: not scary per se, but richly malevolent and moral.
This episode was a bit uneven in its script and acting, and left me confused about whys and whos. But that means I'll watch it again.

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A weak start of the series, and an even more abrupt ending. Standard horror. Hope next episodes get better.

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I didn’t hate this. It was a strong setup, but it felt like it wasn’t given enough time to finish properly. Sufficiently atmospheric and well-acted, but otherwise rushed.

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i thought this was a pretty good way to start off the series! the ending did feel a little abrupt, as is a common sentiment, but i felt like it set my expectations up appropriately for the rest of the episodes. wasn't the best, but definitely wasn't the worst! i enjoyed it.

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A man buys an abandoned storage unit and finds occult stuff in it. The supernatural elements looked quite cool but the rest was mediocre at best. The acting and dialogue are a little too campy for my taste. I guess it works if they aimed at an old-school TV show kind of feel.

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Predictable trajectory and thuddingly obvious writing (a credit to Tim Blake Nelson who halfway counters that by investing his very signified lines with lived-in venom), but stylistic and flavorful enough along the way as to be passably enjoyable.

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[Netflix] That the first episode is directed by Guillermo Navarro defines the aesthetic so characteristic of his collaborations with Guillermo del Toro. Atmospheric and dark, but without being unpredictable and terrifying, it has some problems justifying the political elements (racism vs. nazism). There are several interesting ideas, but it feels like a story that would have needed more development.

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episode 1, on the edge of my seat, fell off at the end cos I fell asleep...

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Oh, okay... so these are short Halloween stories. Are we supposed to light camp fire or should a bunch of candles do just fine?

I could watch them inside my closet if that's gonna make them scarier.

Anyways... on to the next episode.

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