Ohhh my god, finally!! I was really hoping for Rory to wake up, realise that she's treating Dean like shit for being with him while she's crushing on Jess. Sadly, it didn't hit her, even when Dean said all of those things, I still don't think it hit her. I don't want her dating Jess. Yeah, he's cute and he treats her nicely but he treats everyone else like shit and has no respect for others. It's not nice to date Shane just because he wants someone to mess around with. Yeah, he said that she doesn't care about him either but we didn't see it from her and we can't always trust Jess.

anyway, MORE LANE PLEASEEE she's my favorite and I find her issues the most interesting.

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I don’t know but this was the best episode in the entire show. Finally dean broke up with her.

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Shout by jonginnie

Love that Dean finally broke up with Rory and love how publicly he did it too, the bitch had it coming. Jess even dare call Dean a jerk for it? Like wow, him and Rory really are meant to be because neither can get their head out of their own ass and think about others. Hope Rory will be miserable, but knowing her she’ll likely be on Jess’ dick as quick as possible.

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So on brand for Rory to act all heartbroken as if she didn’t literally sneak off to New York for Jess and cheat on her boyfriend. Give me a fucking break

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