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Gen V: Season 1

1x03 #ThinkBrink

Sam interacting with Emma was actually a nice little part of the episode I enjoyed. I don’t know how they always get in that staircase area so easily though surely the guards are not getting paid enough or something??

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Ok, Cricket is just adorable AND a badass.

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Emma / Cricket must be hitting the gym pretty hard, really toned body !!!

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as of episode 3, Gen V is a fun yet interesting take on the Boys universe, keeping its gorey nature while giving focus to a new story.

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So many terrible parents in this episode! And I'm glad that Emma finally found someone decent to talk to, although it was in an incredibly unexpected place.

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Okay, NOW I'm in! Best episode so far. Good jokes and very close to the typical The Boys shock value.

One thing I really like about the The Boys universe is when they insert social commentary into very short scenes. "Just scan here to get an NFT of my [business] card" is brilliant.

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Emma to the rescue. Things are heating up now. :fire:. The parents just suck...

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I don't like teen dramas and somehow I'm still watching, I think because Prime Video doesn't have a lot of strong offerings in original content. I'm definitely not invested in any of the characters. If the government nuked the school right now I'd think "Hm, maybe we'll get a more interesting story and some characters with depth." I can't put my finger on why the political messaging feels more heavy-handed and divisive than The Boys. The Boys made fun of both sides, but this show seems a bit more spiteful, hovering dangerously close to Velma territory.

The more I'm watching this the more I want a nuclear device detonated on top these characters. I can't tell if I hate the "good" characters more, or the "bad" characters more. This episode features a lot of people processing their feelings, and frankly, X-Men probably did it better. Also every other superhero thing ever made.

I have a lot of questions about how the weapons they use on superheroes work.

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Right amount of thrill, teenage drama, and comedy. Gen V so far is really what The New Mutants should've been.

I also like that the episode shows what supes really are: performers. The scene where Polarity switched from dead serious face to big grin is that sort of "career laugh" you always see in those kind of parties. The episode also explore more the toxic parent-children relationship The Boys brought with Soldier Boy and Butcher, it's good to get more of it here.

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Am I the only one that doesn’t like Marie?

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Interesting to learn more about Sam and Golden Boy.

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asian parents sexism go brrr, the crew did their research, good good

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why the hell did she go through his ear instead of just running?

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I'm sorry but Marie is very boring and so far Lizze has definitely stole the spotlight

Oh and she is way hotter that Marie, the protagonist, tha main action figure :thumbsdown:

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