Thumbs up if you said "What the fuck..." to your TV before the opening credits.

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It felt so frustrated at the end of this episode. All I want is more. Why is it that the shows I love most have the shortest season? 23 episode of The Flash but GOT is like gone in the blink of an eye.

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Great episode.
Was great to see the Blackfish. And Lady Mormont. Massive respect. Showed 10 times more potential than Tommen did or ever will.
That Arya moment what the fuck. I knew something was gonna happen. Please no. I'm going on a riot if something happens to Arya. Writers please. No :|
Was kinda annoyed with Sansa shitting on Davos like that :/
Overall giving this week an 8/10. It was good, but not outstanding.
Based on the promo there's no way Jamie can take on Brienne xD

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If the little Mormont girl had 3 dragons, this show would have been over 2 seasons ago. Dayum. Give her the iron throne or a spin off series. Stat.

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House Mormont is my new favorite house.

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This season is very boring.

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I though Ian McShane would last longer than a single episode oh well. Glad to see the hound is back, hopefully he meets back up with Arya and they fuck shit up together!

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that moment when you thought you were watching vikings at the start, you had to recheck the title. lol
ooh. that lady liana was so fierce! love her. but 62? that was a huge disappointment. lol
and greyjoy and targaryen eh?
and what's that hippie place sandor end up in?
freakin hell! ARYAAAAAAAAAA!

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What the FUCK!! Arya???
That was CRAZY!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Stormsm, its GOT, we already now it will be extremly good. ;)

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Bro the Brotherhood's gonna die

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It’s a great episode up until Arya gets stabbed. So dumb how that panned out. Not believable at all that she survived that.

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Ohhhhh I can't wait to see what the Hound does to those fuckers xD

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After so many episodes, I am so glad that my favorite character is still alive. I can't wait for next episode to see what it will do and I have a feeling someone is getting butthurt!!!! :D

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Shout by Deleted

cant wait for the next onee

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This episode improved over the last one. The Hount is a very interesting character and was happy to see he has returned. Also what a relief that Margaery hasn't really lost the plot, and still is her caniving manipulating self. Overall the episode was interesting and realisitic based on the real world social dynamics and according to character. Pleased. 7/10

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Shout by Arianne

Yara Greyjoy's plan to ally with Dany Targaryen was really predictable. How did she hear about the Queen of Dragons anyway? I don't remember anyone telling her that Dany was in Meereen.

Also, I wonder who Sansa wrote to.

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I feared Jaime would never get to Riverrun, since in the previous season he had immediately went to Dorne first, but finally I witnessed the scene I've been so eager to see since I've finished reading the fifth book: the fucking slapping.
Thank you, Golden-Hand Jaime.

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Its because GoT and other great series don't need 24 episodes. They don't need fillers. :)

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Shout by chair

Hound is back, tell a friend.

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Shout by SeanMSU

Cleganebowl GET HYPE!/10
+Good to see Rory McCann back on the screen. The Fair Isle Priest's interactions with Brienne remain some of the most underrated bits of the books and adding him into the fold helps the audience understand more about what is going on outside of the politics and the big house names. (even if it is only for one episode)
+Jaime continually impresses and is now firmly at the top as the best member of the cast.
+The highlights of Jon convincing the Wildlings, Davos convincing the Mormonts, and Sansa writer her letter presumably to Littlefinger did a great job emphasizing the benefits that all bring to the table.

*Queen of Thorns running her mouth with the usual bullshit as the other characters actually do things
*Again Alfie Allen saves some out of place Ironborn scene with his amazing acting abilities. Their plan will hopefully mirror Quentyn or Victarion

-Old lady Waif stabbing the shit out of smug Arya was comically terrible

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Shout by Deleted

The best of the episode was, for me the blackfish part.
and that ylanna baddass omg. shutting a lot of mouths.
I was surprised by Arya!

Omg and sandor is back. I cried in hapinness xD

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Thought I was watching the fucking wrong show at the beginning

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Theon will kill Ramsay in this one :)

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a 9 because I love Ian McShane.

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Shout by Ro

Lyanna Mormont: "My mother wasn’t a great beauty or any other kind of beauty. She was a great warrior though."

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Sansa's suffering was transferred to Arya. I am so distressed by this attack that she suffered. Fuck. I hope she gets well and that she can get out of this city soon.

Speaking of Sansa: very nice to see her so determined to get Winterfell back.

Olenna speaking only truths to Cersei. This woman is legendary.

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Another nice episode with lots of dialogue. I heard that Lyanna Mormont was a great character and she really lives up to these expectations and steals the show. It is a pity she was introduced so late in the story, I would like to see more scenes with her.

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You went full fanfic, man. Never go full fanfic. :-/

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Broken man, as I hope to come back to kill some. Arya

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Shout by Deleted

Why did they kill everyone, that din't make any sense at all. If you want to threaten somebody, you have to let someone stay alive, that can show submission! Brotherhood without brains... The other week point was that Sandors way of viewing things was just confirmed - no change in character, so for what did we spend all that precious screening time there and observed this interesting new character that ended up dead.

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GoT S06E07
General Plot: 6/10
Single Plots:
King's Landing (6/10)
Sandor Clegane (5/10)
Theon Greyjoy (4/10)
Jaime Lannister (5/10)
Jon Snow (5/10)
Arya Stark (6/10)

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Shout by Deleted


loading replies did the Hound live?

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Shout by Nick

I knew The Hound was still alive!

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