The cinematography & lighting in the last scene is exquisite.

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This season has been a lot slower than previous season, and I'm not sure if I like it. On one hand, character development is more intricate, but on the other hand, some scenes are completely unnecessary. Ser Barristan did not need to die though. It's as if he died just so the writers could keep the Grey Worm and Missandei romance side-plot alive. Ugh.

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Misnamed and Grey Worm are sooooo adorable! I can't Oh Jorah nooo! Daenerys, why would you marry that awful guy?!!

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Tyrion coming across Drogon for the first time is one of the best moments of the season. I always get goosebumps at his reaction. Then we still have this tense sequence with the Stone Men... Poor Jorah...

Highlight for the dialogue between Jon and Maester Aemon that defines the episode title.

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God, the Nightswatch are such pissbabies. Boohoo the Wildlings killed my family and/or friends, so I want a hundred thousand people (most of whom are families like yours, by the way, so if you know how horrible violent death is why do you want that to happen to others? Especially innocent children?) to die and be raised from the dead. Even if you think they deserve to be killed, why on Earth would you want it to happen in a way that will make your enemy exponentially stronger? But of course, Jon will get punished for expecting people to actually think instead of acting purely out of emotion.
At least things are finally getting interesting again.

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Ramsay is pure evil.
I don't like how jorah captured tyrion to take him where he was already going... shit so unsatisfying.
And at this point Danny is fuckin and marrying whatever and whoever smh.
This season is prolly my least favorite one so far, especially that it came after the best season so far.

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Maester Aemon: "You will find little joy in your command. But, with luck, you’ll find the strength to do what needs to be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born."

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Shout by SeanMSU

+ Jorah Mormont and Tyrion going through Valyria
+ Stannis heading out to smash the Boltons

- the Bolton/Sansa storyline just gets worse and worse
- more wasted time in Meereen (particularly the Grey Worm/Missandei romance that still makes no sense)
- Barristan is actually dead and it's incredibly anti-climactic
- the Brienne scene was completely pointless
- Still skipping the best parts of the 3rd and 5th books

*Jon Snow material

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NOO JORAAAH! This was a good episode tho.

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Every episode the differences between books and tv show are getting bigger and bigger. Ok, I know some differences (not all of them) are because of show's budget but I hate to see them.

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BOOKS, this serie gets worse and worse.

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Good moments, but a lot of them wasted by an insipid direction (except at the end)

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Shout by AJ

I hope someday they'll release an extended version of this one, with the Bolton/Sansa scene a little longer, like 7.5 hours or something. Goodness gracious that was booooooooooring.

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It is hard to say what to think of this episode, the scenes with Sam anfd Gilly and even Missandei and Grey Worm were moving, and the sights in Old Valyria quite impressive, I liked the scenes with the dragon flying overhead. It seems to me that there was too much about that monster Ramsey, especially since he does not really marry Sansa in the books, I have no idea why it was changed in the show.

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Shout by Deleted

Rated the most boring part . Unfortunately, it became characteristic .

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Go rarest traveling couples, Um fear for Samsa

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aghh I hate to watch one by one episode after so long

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Shout by Deleted

Will greyscale become the new bloody flux? That would be nice. I thought they were cutting the whole plague thing off.

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