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Game of Thrones 2011


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Awesome series! HBO should do fantasy and horror series. Carnivale, True Blood, and Game of Thrones are all fantastic.

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Arg I cant wait for Episode 3...

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Awesome to get it back underway (pretty large gap in story tho)... Ought to be interesting to see how the show plays out, differently that is, and hoping the backstorys of characters and worldly situations come thru (and not just left to figure out or miss entirely)... The books can be quite long l, especially the UNABRIDGED versions, but now I can see why so much was put into them...

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Just started! about to watch s01e02!

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Brace yourself..... the new season is coming

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I've decided to freeze myself Cartman style, someone unthaw me on the 1st. Thanks!

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The winter is coming now soon for season 2.

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Finally saw the finale, epic, now I gotta read the books...

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This is one of the very few screen adaptations that really do the original book justice. I loved it from start to finish.

I just keep wondering how the story adds up for someone who hadn't read the book. There's just so much detail and background information in the book, that even these 10 episodes seem like just a couple of important scenes stringed together. Which is great if you had read the book before, but I can't imagine it making much sense to someone who hadn't.

Anybody here who watched the show only? What's your impression?

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pretty good show! More than the story, it's WELL WRITTEN.

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Loooove this show!

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Unbelievable really. Must see tv.

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The last half was really good!
I'm really looking forward to the next season.

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The first few episodes, I was really confused. But after the third episode it started to really pick up. Glad I stuck with it, can't wait for season 2.

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I just finished first episode :) I think I'll love it

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Lol. Nice ending :D

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Pretty messy/confusing first episodes, feels like they are "rushing" it to something. Very epic tough.

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Well damn. That was depressing

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Not usually my sort of thing, but so far, I'm impressed. Getting right into it now.

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Damn, the cliffhangers make me crazy! Luckily the next episode airs tonight! :-D

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Just started the first episode, so far its great! I'm gonna watch every episode straight through

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I love this show

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Just awesome! Make me want to read the books.

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Episode 5 was a awesome episode!

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Haven't read the books, but know people who love them.
I've always loved stories with complex characters, the politics that draw them together and the boobies that set them apart. :)
A few episodes in now and I'm pretty well sold.

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this looks very promising so far

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Wow, This is good I have not read the books and now I want too. The first episode was incredible. cant wait for next week.

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Nice atmosphere :) Story starts off a little complex with so many people but hey... first time I'm excited about a medieval series.

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